It's Payback Time

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For a moment, the atmosphere in the meeting room was tense and awkwardly silent. Emely Fernandez felt humiliated. She had been in the company for so many years and got to her position with much effort, so she did not mean to leave just like that.

Gino Anderson standing up for the newcomer Jenna was also a slap in the face for Emely. The meeting room was silent, and everyone looked at each other.

Jenna made a slight frown. She wanted to avoid becoming a target as soon as she took office. Emely rose hesitantly, her cheeks flushed as she was about to defuse the tension in the room. "President Anderson, I sincerely apologize for my behavior, and I respect the company's choice and look forward to working with Ms. Jenna."

"Good. Meeting adjourned." Gino did not say much. He did not want to waste another minute and left the meeting room imposingly.

Emely then let out a long breath of relief. Although many others disagreed about Jenna's arrival, they dared not oppose Gino's authority.

Jenna was also not bothered by this little episode because she would prove her capabilities over time.

When Luke arrived at Jenna's office, he was very respectful. "Ms. Jenna, I'll be your assistant from today, so you can inform me if you have any orders."

Jenna knew that Luke was Gino's right-hand man, so having him by her would be very helpful. "Thank you. The President mentioned something about J&J's project previously, so please get me all the information on J&J Corporation." Luke nodded.

"Sure, I'll get it ready for you." After Luke left, Stella waltzed in and swung her phone by the strap on her phone case. "Baby, my office is next door, so we'll be working side by side from now on." Jenna smiled and was in a perfect mood. Her relationship with Stella was back to before she impulsively married Rex.

"This job will be harder at first, but it gets better." Stella sneered and did a hair flip. "I'm not scared. By the way, let me show you something." She smiled and handed Jenna her phone.

Jenna gave it a puzzled glance and gasped when she realized what was inside. Because Stella sent the complete footage of last night's incident to other influencers, who helped spread the word, there was a fresh wave of comments online.

Through this video, everyone could see that the gangster first tried to take advantage of the drunk Stella, but Jenna taught him a hard lesson and finally took Stella out of the bar with her. This video stirred a lot of debate online.

(OMG! How cool is she?! I wouldn't need a boyfriend if I had a good friend like her!)

(She's such an extraordinary and courageous young lady! Now I understand why she got divorced and left such a wealthy family.)

(Jenna is my goddess!)

(She should be a celebrity!)

(My heroine! Please give me your number!!)

Jenna was on the top trending topics again. She looked at Stella helplessly. "Did you purposely go to get the surveillance footage last night?" Stella lifted her chin arrogantly and said, "Nah, it's nothing, just a matter of one phone call. I won't allow anyone to slander you under my watch!"

Jenna laughed. "Whatever, it's not a big deal anyway."

"Then do you know who's behind all this?" Jenna shook her head, but a name flashed across her mind. Stella told her frankly, "It's Rex's best friend, Mark Martinez!"

Sure enough, it was close to Jenna's guess. Whether it was Elena or Mark, both of them were still related to Rex. Jenna snorted. Her face turned slightly colder. She would not have cared if she was clueless about this, but she could not let him get away so quickly since she was aware of it.

"Call Deither, and I want dirt on Mark Martinez!"

"Now, this is the Jenna I'm familiar with. We must get our revenge! Don't worry. I already have what we need to put him in his place." Stella had already dug up dirt on Mark long ago.

She sent all of it to Jenna, who took her pick and selected one of the photos. In that picture, Mark was wearing swim shorts at some party and was hugging a few girls left and right. It was back when he just gotten married.

Jenna posted the photo with a caption. (If you have a beef with me, just come at me directly. I'll retaliate openly and not stoop so low to create misconceptions by hiring paparazzi to edit clips. Mr. Martinez, you should look out for yourself.]

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