A Conversation With The Lion Queen

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Concerned by the change, she picked up a piece of parchment and placed it between us. "One of you must write to Lady Catelyn and your eldest brother. What's his name?" Sansa obediently said, "Robb." Cersei smiled with a nod. "Word of your Father's arrest will reach him soon, no doubt? Best, it comes from one of you." I felt Sansa gaze at me as the Queen placed a quill between us. "If you would help your Father by urging your brother to keep the King's peace." I stared at the writing implement before us as she urgently said, "tell him to come to King's Landing and swear his allegiance to Joffrey."

Recognizing the urge, I suddenly recalled how our grandfather and uncle died as I coldly asked, "and if we should not?" Looking away from the pure white quill, I stared into her green gaze. "Will you order guards to kill us as they did to our household?" She breathed out and boldly said, "if guards attacked members of your household, it was done to defend themselves. My Father's men do not harm unnecessarily, little bird." Holding back the urge to rage at the woman, I heard Sansa utter, "Ilyanna did not mean to say that. She..." I felt her reach out and take hold of my hand as she continued to say, "we are merely worried because of his injury. If we could see our Father, talk to him about..." Cersei shook her head. "You disappoint me children." Sansa squeezed my hand. "We have told you of your Father's treason. Why would you want to speak to a traitor?" Breathing out, I uttered, "treason or not, your Grace. He is our Father. He will be our Father and we are asking to see him. To ensure he is well and ask him why he has done what you claim he has done."

Cersei started as Sansa softly asked, "what will happen to him?" The Queen Regent smirked as she uttered, "that depends," drawing Sansa's attention to her. "On, on what?" Unamused, I watched the Lioness pick up and hold the quill, saying, "on your brother. And on the two of you." Frustrated, I glanced at Sansa discovering tears in her blue eyes. Defeated, I squeezed her hand and, with a sad smile, returned my gaze to Cersei. Reaching out, I took the quill with my right hand, praying that Robb would see through my forced words as I wrote out the recent troubles we encountered in King's Landing.

With my dedicated letter completed, I set the quill down to find the Queen wearing a bright, winning smile. "Wise choice, my little bird." Reaching out, she took the parchment from me and looked it over before holding it out to Pycelle. "Grand Maester, will you ensure this is swiftly delivered to Winterfell." Bowing his head, he took the parchment from her and shuffled out of the room. "As your Father has been removed from his position as Hand of the King, I have taken the liberties to locate new chambers for you in Maegor's Holdfast." Sansa mutely nodded.

"And my ladies?" Cersei lifted an eyebrow before saying, "the bastard girls? They are not fit..." I interrupted her, saying, "they are in my protection regardless of their surnames. I ask that they continue to serve me as it was on your behalf that they do so." She breathed in as Varys softly said, "both girls are no one, your Grace. It would take more time to find qualilfied maids if they are removed from Lady Stark's service." With a wave of her, Cersei huffed and said, "fine, but they will remain are to remain loyal to their King or they will not be remvoed." Varys nodded. "Escort them to their new rooms."

With another nod, Varys motioned for us to follow him out of the room as I asked, "when may we see our Father, your Grace?" Tilting her head, she stared at me momentarily before saying, "when your brother has arrived and sworn allegiance to my son, you may see him." Breathing deeply, I nodded and uttered, "until such time, may I ask that our Father is treated with the care and dignity granted to a Lord of a Great House." Her stare grew as cold as the North while uttering, "he will be treated as the traitor he is sure to be convicted of." Standing, I coldly said, "for the realm's sake, I hope that is a poorly timed joke considering our current situation." She snarled through clenched teeth as Littlefinger moved forward to usher us out of the room, whispering, "do you think your Father would be proud of the She-wolf you are becoming, Lady Ilyanna?" Ignoring him, I followed Sansa and Varys out of the room.

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