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Warning! - Before I start this new entry, I just wanted to say that this will include Alcohol, possibly drugs, mentions of sexual and physical abuse, and some comfort here and there. In this part, Y/n will be a bartender, who works at a club as a bartender most of the time to earn money just to live off of and raise his kids. (The kids were left with him aster he was SA'd by a female that left him with the children and fled. Thankfully they look nothing like their mother.) He barely makes enough to live in a small, two room apartment. He makes a call to his uncle, Captain price for this, asking for his help as he had almost been beaten to death his abusive Ex. Price agrees, allowing him and his kids to stay with him at his base as he looks for another place to stay, and works to make his money. 

If you do NOT feel comfortable with reading this, I understand, it will be hard for me to write because of it, and it will be cringe as well, but I feel like I need to add a few real world problems that people actually struggle with. This 'book' will not be all about how happy you will be with these hunks, and it will be cringe to the max. Again, DO NOT READ IF SENSATIVE TO THESE TOPICS, I MEAN IT! Anyways, please proceed with caution. 

Also, the names I came up with were perfect because they are twin boys, their names are Luka and Ruka, and they are 8 years old.(Y/n is 25).


The blood dripped down my body, the bruises and cuts making my body ache even more. The door opened and and slammed shut, signaling that the bastard had finally left. The sound of crying got louder as I was shaken, my eyes opening and landing on the twins, their faces wet with tears. Panic set through my body. I pulled them into a tight embrace, holding them close as they sobbed. "Did he hurt you? Are you ok?" I asked, my voice coming out in a whisper. They shook their heads, their crying not calming as they hiccupped. I stood, holding them close as I stumbled into the bedroom, sitting them down on the bed as I limped to the bathroom, beginning to patch myself up and clean the blood from my body.

Many thoughts zipped through my mind as I stared at my phone's screen, debating on leaving. But, where would I go? Where can I go that will be enough room for me and the boys? My thoughts fizzled out as I remembered my uncle's number, picking up my phone and walking onto the patio outside, overlooking the silent streets, dimly lit with street lights. I remember getting his number from my mother  when I moved out, she had wanted me to connect with him before I moved out. That was before she passed, she knew she was dying, and she wanted me to have someone to go to, even if she had to contact him herself. 

My mother always told me how he was in the force, happy and willing to put his life on the line. She showed me a few pictures from when they were young. She explained that they didn't get along much, and that they never really talked much anymore, but she wanted me to know him, saying that 'he'd love to meet you.' and 'you look just like me, so he'll love you.' . 

I breathed deeply as I dialed the number, my tears making my cheeks wet as I remembered the times when we would walk through the fields of flowers, that was until she  couldn't walk anymore, her heath declining rapidly as she sat there and withered away, right in front of me. The phone rang for a moment, the ringing ending as a voice spoke into the phone. "Hello?" spoke a female's voice, her deep British accent flowing through the phone. "U-um, is there a John price there? I-I need to speak to him, p-please." I stuttered out, trying to calm my voice from breaking. "Uh, sure, one second hun." she responded, muffled voices and a door opening over the phone.

A beep was heard from the phone, "Ok, kid, you're on speaker. Can you tell us why you need to speak to price?" responded the female once more, her voice being soft and reassuring. I sighed, my voice shaking as I tried to speak. "U-um, my mother passed a few years ago, when I was 16, she told me that if I ever needed anyone else to help me, that I could call this number. I-I don't know what to do, I'm so scared right now, and I have nowhere to go, please." silence was heard from the other end, the woman spoke up once more. "What was your mothers name, hun? Can you tell us?" she asked. "Isabella Thorel Price, she told me all about my uncle being in the force, saying she regretted not telling him she was sick, and that she had children when he left." I took a breath, speaking once more. "She said to call him, to get to know him before it was too late, and now I don't know what to do. I'm so fucking scared. Please, can I talk to him?" 

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