Chapter 25

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Y/n PoV

Me and Liz are all cuddled up in bed all calm right well that was until sarah barged through the door shouting 'MERRY CHRISTMAS' like she was 7 years old.

"Come on love let's get up"i say rising onto my knees pulling her up with me to get ourselves sorted before going downstairs.

"GoodMorning merry Christmas girls"mum says bringing us into hugs.

"Merry Christmas mama"i says kissing her cheek.
"Merry Christmas"Lizzie's says when she's in her hug .

"Let's have some breakfast before we open gifts"mum says nodding to the table that had a full English breakfast.

"Ohhh Thank you"Liz says guiding us to the table sitting down starting to eat our meal.

Me and Lizzie wash up in thanks joining the family back on the sofa us cuddling together to open our Christmas gifts.I managed to put presents under the tree while Lizzie was asleep and I guess she managed to do that to.

"So this year it's youngest first"mama says as every year we change the order it goes in so Sarah's first.

She goes forwards to grab her first present which in a little rectangle that seems to be Lizzie's as she seems to watch her intensely for her reaction.

"LIZZIE no way how did you know"sar says has she opens a vinyl of 1989 Taylor swift album and a Pandora charm as Sarah goes to the Alexa playing her favourite 1989 song.

"Y/n talks about you a lot so I knew what to get you hope you like that album and the charm."she says leaning back into more relaxed as she liked it.

"I do thank you for both of them"she says standing up to give Lizzie a grateful hug going back to the presents.

Now she opens mums gift being a Jordan's and some football shoes as she does district football for leagues.

"YES I needed new football boots thank you thank you"she says bring mum into a hug then going on about how cool they are.

"NO FUCKING WAY AHHHH"she shouts as she opens Taylor swift tour tickets while I just watch with a wide smile.

"I love you and Taylor no i love all of you"she says bring me to stand swinging us around in a circle.

"Alright calm down love next youngest y/n"mum says as Sarah sit back down.

I pick up a box thats quite heavy and when I open the gift paper I see ice skates like my old ones that broke but are way better.

"Wait who brought this"i say looking around the three people seeing Lizzie's smile and nod.

"I know you do ice skating and you were devastated that the blade broke and the tear down the boot so I brought you new ones"she says loving the enjoyment in my eyes.

"I love it thank you"i say standing up giving her a kiss saying I love you.

"I love you too princess"she says as I go back to the gifts with a widest smile on my face.

"Aww this is so cute Liz"i say holding a bracelet with a heart that has our names and date we got together around the silver heart.I put it on straight away knowing I'm not gonna take it off ever.

(You get the rest of the idea get what you'll like we're gonna skip to Lizzie's gift)

"Aww darling this so cute"she says has she sees the locket of us in the sunset on our face on the boat when she's in front of me as I kiss her neck.

"It's no problem"i say smiling at her as she looks like a child opening her presents getting excited over the little gifts she receives.

"You got me a Polaroid camera"she says as she looks around the camera.

"I know how much you love cameras spite being in front of them most of the day and capturing memories"i say has she holds up the camera a flash going through the room a Polaroid coming out of the top.

"Perfect"she says shaking them film to get it developed then putting it in the t-shirt pocket.

"Thanks everyone for the gifts"she says getting up to give hugs out and sit back down with me after placing the wrapping paper in the bin bag .

"ELIZABETH CHASE OLSEN GET BACK HERE"i shout as she runs off with a chunk of Lego mum brought for me to build and I thought Liz was gonna help but she took the pieces i needed.

"I don't know what your on about love"she says as running out of a our room with empty hands.

"Don't be all sweet where's it gone"i ask looking around the room turning back to her leaning on door frame.I just stare at her I think about all those book toks where they lean on the door frame there arms on top I know it's cliche but it is hot as fuck.

"What?" She says her voice cracking moving her arms down from the top but crossing them over her chest.

"Mhm nothing you wouldn't get it"i say laughing picking up the Lego bricks.

"Darling what is it"she says grabbing my wrist still with a smile on my face.I gulp at the eye contact and pull out my phone showing her a clip of what I'm on about her face going into a oh look.

"Does it make you nervous love"she says has i just keep quite.
"I'll take that has a yes"she says kissing by lips sitting back down at the Lego set.

"Why is the other side empty"she says looking downy at her necklace locket.
"Well it for whatever you would like to have on it in the future"i say.

"I love that idea thanks for all of this baby I really appreciate it"she says moving to straddle my lap leaning into a passionate kiss no one looking to deepen it just enjoying each other has our hands move up and down each others bodies.

"I love you so much y/n you wouldn't even know"she whispers.
"I love you every minute I'm alive forever and"
"Always"we says at the same time connecting our lips back together.

"Knock knock dinners ready"Sarah says behind the door making me and Liz break apart getting up to eat.

After dinner me and Liz go upstairs saying goodnight and thanks for the day.As Lizzie goes in the shower after me I go outside going through the window onto the roof bringing blanket to watch the stars.

"Baby girl where you"she says looking around the room.

"Outside my love"i say looking at the window.

"What are you doing"she says stepping through the window.

"Watching the stars come join me New York is bad for that "i say opening my arms for her to join which she does happily looking up and covering us with the covers to keep us warm.

"Wow there really pretty"she says the sparkle in her eyes at the bright stars.

"I miss this me and Sarah used to come her all the time to watch them our names our engraved on this roof." I say pointing to the floor next to her.

"That's cute"she says has i hum in agreement and cuddle more into her getting cold.

We sit and watch the stars until it gets to cold and we go inside to get into bed talking until tiredness takes over our bodies.

Coffee shop (Elizabeth olsen x female reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang