𝒙𝒊𝒊. CH12.

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¨. ༢ ͎۪۫ . ... ❜

It was Saturday.

Yesterday, they discovered his sister's body. They hadn't yet confirmed she was dead but the state she was in was looked impossible for her to be alive.

Minho didn't care anyways, not like she was a good sibling.

He looked up at the white ceiling.

He sighed, placed his head over his hands and decided he should take a walk.

¨. ༢ ͎۪۫ . ... ❜

"Priviet, Newt." Minho walked up to the blonde, "what you doing?"

Newt looked up at him, he had huge black bags under his eyes, "huh?"

Minho gave him a short smile, "are you okay?"

"Rachel I told you I'm okay." Newt snarled, looking at his side.

"I'm Minho actually." Minho leaned against the wall.

"Are you tryna-"

Newt stopped and looked back at Minho, "oh, I could've sworn I saw Rachel."  He swallowed as if saying the name Rachel gave him the willies.

Minho tried his best to smile, "yeah." He observed Newt, "seriously, dude, are you good?"

"Ye, why?"

"Looks like you've just had the most toe curling sex ever, and it's tiring you."

Newt gave him a dirty look, but he relaxed, "can't find Solace."

Minho swallowed, he had forgotten the incident with Solace, "oh, damn, have you called the police?"

Newt nodded, he slouched. Minho sat on the couch and asked, "what's with you and Thomas?"

Newt shut his eyes, "can you get me my medication?"

Minho insisted, "I'll do it if you promise to tell me."

Newt glared at him, "why do you care so much?"

"I'm just nosy like that."

"Pisstake." Newt held out his pinkie and Minho curled his pinkie with Newt's, "promise."

Minho rose up and walked towards the counter in the corner. He searched the cupboards and finally took a bottle that said 'Schizophernia relief.'

𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐏𝐈𝐄𝐂𝐄𝐒━━━newtmas.Where stories live. Discover now