( Tae left from there leaving Kook dumbfolded . Tears started flowing from his eyes . )

Kook : Now he doesn't want me to live with him in same room . Am I that bad ? I guess yes that's why is he behaving like this . ( wiped his tears with his hand . )

Tae (shouts from upstairs) : Come here fast .

( Kook went there by holding his bags . Tae unlocked the Room . )

  Kook's  New  Room  : 

Tae (coldly) : This is your room

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Tae (coldly) : This is your room . Arrange your things and study . I'm going to prepare dinner after dinner I will take your Maths test . I want good marks .

Kook : Ok Ta... Sir. I will do my best .

( Tae left from there without listening his reply . Kook went inside the room and start arranging his things with heavy heart . )

  Meanwhile with Yoonmin :

Yoongi prepared their healthy dinner and they both had it . It's the first time when Jimin had healthy food without throwing any tantrums . Yoongi was also shocked by his (Jimin's ) behaviour . He gave Jimin medicines which he gulped without any delay . Right now they both were sleeping in their rooms respectively . Let's see what happen next in the morning .

  Time skipped to the Morning : 

  In  Yoongi's  Room  : 

Yoongi was sleeping peacefully but alarm clock broke his precious sleep

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Yoongi was sleeping peacefully but alarm clock broke his precious sleep . It's 5 in the morning . He doesn't want to wake up but he did because of Jimin .

 He doesn't want to wake up but he did because of Jimin

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My Strict Professor Husband (Yoonmin) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora