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Chapter 67: No Possibility

As soon as the thought of wanting to repay Tang Shaoan appeared in his mind, it was like taking root in Guan Yu's head, making him think of this incident from time to time.

When settling accounts, bathing sugar candy, and even preparing to attend court materials, Tang Shaoan's handsome and resolute face would suddenly flash, and when Guan Yu came back to his senses, he found that time had passed inexplicably for a long time.

A little annoyed, he quickly allowed himself to focus on the paperwork.

Sugar Candy had gone back to sleep in the room under Doudou's care, and Tang Shaoan had not come out of the room since dinner.

Outside the living room window, it was pitch black, Guan Yu was sitting alone at the living room table, and many trivial matters in the past few days consumed a lot of his mind, and the obscure imperial laws had also become a book of heaven.

He kept fighting up and down his eyelids, looked at the time, thought about squinting for a while and then got up again, put his hand on his arm and slowly closed his eyes.

Twenty minutes later, Tang Shaoan walked down from upstairs with a water cup, and when he saw the figure lying on the dining table, he immediately relaxed his steps.

In the past two days, he always felt that Guan Yu was uncomfortable in the space where he existed, and thought that Guan Yu wanted to focus all his energy on the court trial, so he actively avoided the occasion when the two got along.

Tang Shaoan saw that Guan Yu had less time, so he couldn't help but take a few more glances at this time.

Guan Yu was lying on the table wearing a white T-shirt and gray pajama pants, the warm yellow light shone on him, and there were two shadows under the eyelashes of two black crow feathers, looking fluffy.

Guan Yu made a long breathing sound, his body rose and fell slightly, and there was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

Tang Shao relieved and gave up his intention to reach out and wake him up.

He stood at the table and thought about it, put down the water cup and gently picked Guan Yu up with both hands, lifted his feet and walked upstairs.

His movements were very slow, Guan Yu in his arms was still sleeping sweetly, Guan Yu's head leaned on his shoulder, warm breath swept into Tang Shaoan's neck, and his body took the initiative to lean towards him.

At first, Tang Shaoan was simply worried that Guan Yu would not sleep comfortably, but at this time he realized that the distance between himself and Guan Yu was too close, and a certain often uncontrolled position began to move again.

No, no, he can't take advantage of people's danger.

Admiral Tang was reluctant to wake Guan Yu up, so he had to immediately silently memorize the rules of interstellar military combat in his heart, while trying to ignore the feeling of physical contact.

Fortunately, Guan Yu's bedroom was on the third floor, and the sweet torture did not last long, so Tang Shaoan carried him into the door.

The room was pitch black, and by the moonlight of the window, Tang Shaoan saw Doudou put one of the small meat legs of the sleeping sugar candy back on the bed, and moved him inside, lest he accidentally turn over to the floor.

After Guan Yu was placed on the bed by Tang Shao, he let out a long breath comfortably, and his body was fully stretched.

The moonlight shone on his face, making his face more and more like white jade, exuding a lustrous light like a rare treasure.

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