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Chapter 65: Become an ally

Ignoring his beating heart, Guan Yu hurried back to the dining table before Tang Shaoan came out, and continued to analyze and study the cover letter.

Sugar Candy, Beanie and Little Corgi are still nestled in the couch, and the son's milky voice reads the words on the literacy card, everything seems the same, but it is not the same.

Ten minutes later, Tang Shaoan walked down the stairs with half-wet blonde hair.

Guan Yu looked up at him, and as soon as his gaze touched those thin lips, he felt as if his name was still stuck there.

Guan Yu's ears were hot, and he quickly lowered his head.

Tang Shaoan sat back in place without any flaws on his face, leaned closer and asked, "How did you see it?" Is there a suitable person? The

physical distance between the two suddenly narrowed, and Tang Shaoan enveloped Guan Yu with the fragrance of shower gel with moisture.

Guan Yu also used the same shower gel, smelling the same smell every day, but the fragrance changed when it was on Tang Shaoan's body, full of Tang Shaoan's personal breath, inexplicably making Guan Yu feel oppressed.

His mind involuntarily began to think cranky, from the marriage that Tang Shaoan once mentioned, to the gasp he just heard, his head was muddled, and he reflexively answered: "Hmm." After

Tang Shaoan came out, he found the electronic IOU in the email, and wanted to return it, but seeing Guan Yu's indifferent face, he secretly wondered if he had overdone it to make him angry, so he did not dare to mention it again.

For the next day, Guan Yu kept his distance from Tang Shaoan, and after Tang Shaoan felt it, he took the initiative to find an excuse to "deal with official business" and went back to the room.

There was no Tang Shaoan on the second floor with a strong sense of presence, Guan Yu finally sighed with relief to read the cover letter, selected 30 good job seekers, and sent an email to agree to interview in Drew Star 5 days later.

After the last email was pulled to the bottom, there was no resume attachment at all, Guan Yu was not interested in this kind of irresponsible and serious job seeker, and was about to exit when he saw the word "tofu" in the text.

He suddenly became interested and carefully read the body of the email.

The letter was from the director of a small food processing factory in Hongbangxing, saying that he had an ancestral secret recipe for making tofu and wanted to cooperate with Guan Yu to buy the raw material soybeans.

To be honest, the so-called tofu secret recipe may just be the wishful thinking of the factory director, after all, there are many data materials of the ancient earth in the star network, and it is not difficult to find a recipe for making tofu.

What really attracted Guan Yu was the other party's description at the end of the email. The factory director said that he wanted to inherit the legacy of his ancestors and revitalize the family's food business by making nutrient solution, but he was frantically suppressed by Galaxy and finally gave up.

This was his last chance, he knew that the ancient earth cuisine would definitely return to its glory, and he wanted to consider a plan to supply him.

If the other party has had a festival with the Galaxy Company, he must know the other party's means very well, and he will also know some unique intelligence.

This information may be of great help to his confrontation with the Galaxy Company.

Guan Yu immediately replied to the other party, attached his contact information and requested a detailed telephone discussion, but the factory director quickly replied.

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