"I'm a freaking coward. I couldn't keep her with me and caused her pain. She didn't deserve all this, she doesn't deserve all this pain. She doesn't deserve all the fucking problems that I'm shrouded with, she doesn't deserve all of this." Khalifa yelled as his voice echoed loudly through the house.

Fadeel and Abdullah shared a look and pulled their brother up together and led him to a sofa. Abdullah hissed as he noticed his brother's bleeding leg with blood oozing out of the open cut. Abdullah rushed to grab the first aid box to treat his brother's wound before it get's infected.

In the blink of an eye, no one saw it coming. One minute he's sitting on the sofa as he sobs silently and the next, he has a scissors that he grabbed from the open first aid box embedded in his upper arm. Fadeel cursed as he pull out the scissors while Khalifa grunted in pain, blood soaking his shirt.

"What the hell?" Fadeel yelled as they watch their brother squirm in pain. It has been long since they witness their brother in this state; since Haaya's death. He's suicidal once and for him to trying self harm again, something big happened in their absence.

Fadeel pressed a torn piece of cloth to Khalifa's arm to stop the blood but Khalifa pushed him away. "Allow me to fucking die. I don't deserve to live after causing everyone pain. I am a burden to you all."

Fadeel faced Abdullah. "He's never in his right senses whenever he talks this way."

"We need to get him to a hospital." Abdullah voiced.

Their attention shift to Khalifa who's struggling to breath, his face turning ashy. "Shit." Fadeel cursed. "Wrong timing seizure." Fadeel stepped forward to catch his brother before he hit the ground, his arms and legs jerking.

"Get the car." Abdullah commanded.

Fadeel rushed out of the house to get the car to the front while Abdullah struggled with Khalifa's jerking body. With great struggle, they managed to get him to the hospital leaving Sameera behind in the house with the kids who's watching everything with tears streaming down her face, her heart breaking for Khalifa.

In the hospital, Khalifa has been rushed to the emergency room who looks dead on the stretcher. Abdullah and Fadeel stayed outside, anxiously praying for their brother to be okay. He has been through enough already. The hallway is dead quiet, strong smell of antiseptic hanging in the air. The two brothers are caught up in their thoughts till Fadeel remembered.

"Where's Naisa?" Fadeel asked his brother who shrugged his shoulders, wondering the same thing. "Whatever happened between them isn't so small for Khalifa to try and claim his life while she goes missing." Fadeel pulled out his phone and dialed Fahad's contact.

"Just the man I was about to call." Fahad's voice came through. "Hope your brother's face is recognizable?"

Fadeel glanced at Abdullah in confusion before replying to Fahad. "Is Naisa with you?"

"My sister is with me." Fahad replied curtly.

"What happened between them?" Fadeel asked.

Fahad hissed. "Why don't you ask your brother that?"

Fadeel got slightly pissed at Fahad's attitude. "Look man this isn't the time for drama, tell me what happened between them."

Fahad chuckled sarcastically. "I would've loved it if your brother told you what happen but let me tell you, your coward of a brother broke my sister's arm. He even went as far as pushing her to the ground." Fahad let out a deep breath before he continued. "He should be grateful that I only disoriented his face not snapped his neck."

Fadeel's jaw tightened. "Do not call my brother names Fahad."

"Too bad it's the name that describes him best." Fahad replied annoyed.

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