Seven: Sen has DID

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⁺˚⋆ 𖤣𖥧 ♆ 𖤣𖥧 ⁺˚⋆

Months went by, and easily, they were the best of Percy's whole life.

His favorite part was going to Camp Half-Blood on Friday afternoons, and Sen immediately greeting him with a hug and a kiss. They played capture the flag, they had chariot races. They even got to visit Ethan Nakamura, Eurytion, and Orthus at the Triple G Ranch. It was even better because his sentence was up in less than a week, and he'd be coming back to Camp Half-Blood.

Sen smiled at Percy as they had a picnic in the woods. It had been allowed to snow today for the winter, so they were bundled up. Percy didn't really mind the cold. Sen was right next to him, and her body heat was enough. "Good food?"

Percy scarfed down the meatball sub and nodded. "Fucking amazing, Sen."

She snickered and Percy smiled at her. She leaned her head on his shoulder, taking his arm and sighing contentedly. Percy gazed through the woods, down at the valley of Camp Half-Blood. It looked so much different than it had four years ago, but it held that same kind of magic even still. Percy stared at the jewelry on Sen's fingers; her matching golden rings on her middle fingers, another ring on the index finger of her right hand, shaped like an olive branch- a gift from Annabeth- and another ring on her left ring finger. A golden one with wave designs on it and a piece of moonstone in the shape of a butterfly.

He'd given it to her just an hour ago.

"I still don't understand why Zeus called Dionysus back," Sen said softly.

Percy nodded, looking at the forest rather than Sen's rings. He didn't like to admit how much it concerned him that Zeus called all of the gods back. Sen hadn't even heard from Apollo in weeks. "I don't know. It doesn't seem right to me."

"What if it's-"

"Don't say it." Percy cut her off with a sigh. "Just don't."

"You think so, too."

Percy shook his head, running a hand through his hair. He'd died a few streaks of it blue, now, just to match with Sen. "I don't know, Sen. I don't really want to think about it. It's too soon. We just got done with..." He trailed off, not even wanting to say it. "Let's try to think about something else."

"Okay." Sen nodded, her voice quiet. Her nose was a little red from the cold. "Are you excited for Christmas?"

Percy grinned. "Just wait until you see your present."

"You got me a present?"

"Why wouldn't I get you a present?"

"You have a tendency to forget these things." Sen pointed out. Percy rolled his eyes, ashamed she was right, but Sen didn't seem to mind. She just locked her fingers with his and gazed down at Camp Half-Blood.

It was nice to just sit there like that.

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"I challenge you!"

"As do I!"

Sen and Percy stared at Holly and Laurel Victor. Percy found them extremely annoying; like a more competitive version of Clarisse, though slightly less violent. Clarisse was away at college, which was probably for the best, since these two and Clarisse in the same camp would mean the end of the world.

Aqua Vitae || Percy Jackson x OCजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें