Five: Percy plays dumb

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Percy really hated school.

He tried his best to like it. Annabeth was going to a school in New York, too, so sometimes she helped him study, but it was still really hard. It's hard when you have ADHD and dyslexia and you don't exactly try to keep those conditions under control. It's also hard when the only place you ever want to go to is a top-secret summer camp for the children of the gods. It's also hard when some guy keeps being a dick to you for something that happened when you were literally fourteen years old.

"Didn't think you'd be here, Jackson!" Duy laughed.

Percy rolled his eyes as he punched the locker- not because he was angry, but this school kind of sucked and the only way for Percy to open his locker was brute force that made the little switch unlock.

He really couldn't stand Duy. The guy had definitely changed ever since they were fourteen. For starters, he was absolutely ripped, and a solid four inches taller than Percy himself. He played for the varsity football team despite being the youngest one on it, but he was also a stand-up guy that did community service, so you kind of had to like him. Really, Percy figured Duy was nice to everyone except him.

Over something that happened when they were fourteen.

"Not in the mood," Percy growled as he shoved his books in the locker, not bothering to organize them. Books made him angry, mostly since he couldn't read them without giving himself a headache.

"Where's that girlfriend of yours?"

She's at a camp for godly children and could literally lay your ass out. Where's YOUR girlfriend?

Instead, Percy said, "How immature are you that you're still salty over something that happened two years ago?" He slammed the locker shut and glared down Duy. Easily, he could take this guy in a fight, but he wasn't allowed to fight mortals. Something about it "not being fair" or whatever, which Percy thought was dumb. Sometimes, he wished he had Sen here to use her charmspeak so she could tell Duy to shove something up his own ass and save Percy the time.

Duy's face turned red and he was about to say something, but the bell rang, signaling lunch. Percy winked at Duy and shouldered past him on the way to the cafeteria.

Naturally, that was the wrong move.

Duy yanked Percy back by his hoodie as soon as he entered the cafeteria and slammed him against the wall. Were there teachers watching? Yes. Were there plenty of kids watching? Also yes. Did anybody give a single fuck?

No, not really.

"Really, man? On enchilada day?" Percy whined.

Percy wasn't even mad. He was mostly irritated. It was enchilada day! He knew it was that empathy link with Grover making him think that, but even without it...

Duy looked ready to yell, but he faltered. "W... What?"

"I mean, I could understand if you did it on alfredo day, since that shit is nasty, or maybe even chicken nugget day. But enchilada day? Seriously?" Percy grimaced.

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