~The ordinairy?~

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A person is sitting on a slightly sagged couch in a stuffy room. A calm tune plays from the radio as the sun rays shine in trough the window letting a soft glow fall on the room. The overall air seems serene making the homely feeling double and the tranquility of it all seep trough the person. Their facial expression and posture seem to tell that they are stressed and exhausted. As their eyebags seem to have mould their face into an overall tired look.
They sigh heavily and slump down against the couch.

Their thoughts seemed mulled over as their computer slides slightly of their lap. A sticker on it reads 'y/n'  that appears to be their name.
'Y/n' seems to be to deep in their thoughts for they do not notice the slight shift of air and the cut off of the radio making the room go deadly silent. As they continue reminiscing about their life and how they are supposed to be up early and about, without even the slightest bit of hesitance in their step and a happy aura for their jobb makes their nose crinkle as the cringe.

Still without noticing the change in environment they stand up slowly and shift their computer out of their lap and onto the couch. 'Y/n' pulls their arms above their head and stretch their back making it let out a few satisfying pops. They alter their stance slightly and walk over to the kitchen as they run their hand trough their hair. The little trek continues and ends with their hands being deep into a top cupboard looking for some kind of sweet snack.
As they rummage trough the whole kitchen they fail to notice the observing eyes of something that has been an onlooker of this whole scenario and the cause of the deafening silence and shift in the air.

The onlooker keeps it presence to a minimum hoping to just stay as an observer and not a part of the fragile little things rampage for food.

'Y/n's' mood seemed to have flipped completely as the start to desperately search for something small to eat and brighten up their spirit a little. As they were digging for gold you could tell they are standing at quite the average height maybe even taller, you could compare them to at least 20 rats stacked onto each other.

As their fingers touch a crinkly sort of packaging, that makes a noise when you move it ever so slightly. They jump a little from exitment as they wrap their fingers around it making it crinkle faintly and rip it out off it's hiding place and into their peripheral vision.
'Y/n' flips the packaging around and scan their acquired treasures for what it could be. The label read 'favourite snack', "perfect" they thought as a content sigh leaves their lips and a little grin stretches upon it. A not to sweet and savoury snack for the afternoon something they could really use right now. They ripped open the package as it crinkled and took out one of it's insides stuffing it in their mouth and chomp down on it, they turn around and make their way back towards the couch almost ready to collapse into it.

'Y/n' places down their snack on the rustic coffee table as they shuffle over the soft carpet and not so gracefully flop onto their couch. Their head laying in front of their computer and their legs dangling over the edge. They close their eyes and take a deep breath and exhale loudly, while listening to their surroundings as they tune more into it.
Their head quirks up a slight bit and take notice of the lack of music that was playing in the background a few minutes ago that seemed to have just vanished. They turn their head towards the radio and look at it trying to understand why it just stopped playing music only to find it turned off. Their face morphs into one of confusion as their eyebrows scrunch up slightly. They shake their head and lay it back down.






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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2023 ⏰

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