Bottle: yay!

Pie: You gotta be more careful Bottle, you could end up dying forever at some point.

Bottle: Okay.

Tree: Come and get it!

Everyone then stops what they're doing and gather round to dish up their bbq meals. Black Hole puts his nose under Tree's arm looking at him with big cute eyes.

Tree: Of course I never forget about you. Here ya go.

Tree picks up a grilled steak and lightly tosses it into Black Hole's mouth.

Black Hole: Mmmmmm!

Ruby: Nothing like a barbecue burger! *NOM* Hm? 

Ruby takes a bite but then opens her burger a bit and flicks off the pickles she found in hers, the pickle slices end up hitting Tennis Ball.

Tennis Ball: Eww, pickles...

Black Hole: *sniff sniff*

Black Hole immediately licks the pickles off of TB's face.

Tennis Ball: EWW! H-Hey! Hum, no saliva.. thanks.

Black Hole: :)

The group ate and continued to play together, eventually night began to fall, Liy adds a bit more wood to the fire pit and goes back to her truck getting out stuff for s'mores. 

Liy: Alright, who's up for s'mores?

Everyone: YEAH!

Everyone grabbed a stick and stabs a marshmallow through it to hold over the fire. Black Hole coils around the entire group and watches with curiosity. 

Pen: Oh. You've never had s'mores have ya buddy?

Remote: S'mores are made by roasting a marshmallow over a fire and sandwiching it between two gram-crackers and piece of chocolate.

Remote demonstrates the method of making a s'more after her marshmallow was done. 

Remote: Here, you can have mine. Dad says I can't have marshmallows.

Lightning: Really? Why?

Tennis Ball: because the stickyness of them always gunks up a mechanical object's system. We've had that happen with TV once, wasn't pretty.

Remote puts her s'more on Black Hole's tongue and he swallows the small treat whole, she then makes her own s'more but without a marshmallow and more chocolate.

Black Hole: *licks lips*

Tree: That's unfortunate, as much as they do leave a sticky mess in my leaves sometimes they are really good.

Pen: Well you don't have to worry about the sticky part now cuz you're still bald. 

Tree: *groans angerly*

Bottle: No he's not, I see a cute little leaf on one of his branches right there.

Tree: What!? W-Which one?

Bottle: Right up there. See?

Bottle points Tree to a branch of his where as she openly stated a small leaf is growing.


Everyone cheers for Tree's final step in recovery from his cancer even Black Hole releases a loud roar showing how happy he is for his boyfriend.


A few hours later everyone rolls out a sleeping bag to go sleep. With Black Hole still curled in a big circle some of them use his body as an incline. Cherry Jr went to sleep on Black Hole's head.

Book: What a day.. *yawn* well good night guys.

Liy: Good night.

Tree: *yawn* G'night.

Ruby: Night.

Everyone then drifts off to sleep, Black Hole however stay awake and looks off into sky and smile at the beauty of the clear starry night.

The following morning Tree's P.O.V:

I awake to face the morning sun and look to everything around me, a long black body still lays around everyone. Knowing why I step up and approach Black Hole.

Tree: I kinda thought I'd see you in your normal form when I wake up.

Black Hole: Hrum..

He gestures his head toward the others signaling that he didn't want to disturb our sleep upon turning back so he waited. I nodded in understanding and decided to wake the others up one by one.

Tree: C'mon guys get up, Rise and shine.

Pen: Uggh, five more minutes Dad...

TB: *yawn* 

Fanny murmurs impatiently as she tucks herself further into her sleeping bag refusing to get up. At least she won't fall over..

Liy: How come Black Hole's still a serpent?

Tree: I take he wanted to wait until we all woke up.

Black Hole nods in agreement. He moves his body a bit away from the campsite and 'stands' up straight after that he folds his wings over himself as a veil of light covers him entirely once that light vanished the same humanoid form of Black Hole stood before us.

Black Hole: Phew.. that was a real trip.

Remote: You're yourself again!

Cherry Jr: Hooray! 

Both Remote and Cherry Jr throw themselves onto Black Hole, he stumbles back a bit but still stands up and holds the two in his arms.

Black Hole: Woah-! Take it easy you two. *chuckle* 

Liy: Glad all that has settled, now let's go home. C'mon team I could use some help putting everything away.

Pen: Wait, why drive home when we could ride? If that alright with ya buddy, you did just change back.

Black Hole: I don't see why not. 

Cherry Jr: YAY!

Black Hole averts into his Serpent form and lets up climb on his back.

Liy: Well you guys can do that, I'll still be taking my truck. Meet y'all back at the city- WOAH!

As Black Hole takes off he then picks up Liy's truck as she's in the driver seat and then flies in the direction of New Yoyle City.

Everyone: *CHEERING*

~To be Continued~

[DIA] (BFDI x II) A Black Hole living on EarthWhere stories live. Discover now