𝙲𝚊𝚙𝚒́𝚝𝚞𝚕𝚘 𝟽 ♡

Start bij het begin

"Zia..... ion think you wanna be around me" he said and it caught me off guard, "What you mean Taurus? I asked because why would he just blurt that out'

"Zia you know what type of nigga I am, you know what I do and the shit I do is dangerous, you coming around me is gon make you a easy target fa niggas to be lowdown! He said and I walked over to him and squatted down and we were eye to eye'

"Taurus... I know what you do, and I know how crazy the shit gets but at the end of the day I'm here wit you right now so no matter what imma have yo back as long as you got mines! I said and he smirked a lil bit'

"Zia i really hope you mean this shit, cause this shit ain't gon be easy! He said pulling me to sit on his lap, "I know its not Taurus! I said and I leaned in and we kissed'

"Lemme show you some shii! Taurus tapped my thigh and I got up and he walked into the house and came back out with his gun'

"What you doing with that? I questioned and he walked over to me and put it in my hands, "You need ta keep this on you at all times, don't worry it's clean and yo initials onna side of it! He said and I started smiling'

"Ayeeee it's a stickkkk upppp itsss a stick upppp! I said waving the gun in the air and Taurus started laughing'

"Igh Cuh lemme show you how this shii work! He said Taking the gun and showing me everything I needed to know about it, he let me do whatever he jus showed me'

"Let's go eat cause I'm hungry! I said walking into the kitchen grabbing my food and going to the living room sitting down opening my plate'

"Lemme get a lemon pepper" I heard from behind me and I looked back to see Taurus standing over me smiling like a bad ass kid'

"Here, yo ass always begging! I said rolling my eyes and he mugged me, "Girl shut that shit down, yo ass always eating my shii! He said and I flipped him off and continued to eat'

'I couldn't deny I had strong feelings for him, I've never considered actually having sex with anyone except him and that's crazy, usually that's all what Khalil would ask me for but Taurus was different he wasn't worried about having sex with me, we had talks about my past and he told me when I'm ready then we could proceed on, and I still don't know what the future has planned I just hope it's good'

*2 hours*

"Wsp gangerssss! I yelled walking into Shootas house to see everybody just doing their own thing, "Yoooo! Taurus said behind me and I walked to the couch and sat down'

"Get up! Taurus mugged me and I rolled my eyes and got up and he sat down and pulled me on top of him, "Your so clingy! I said laughing'

"Ok and! He said mugging me and I just pecked his cheek and got on my phone, "BESTIEEEE! I heard and I looked up to see Kyra running over to me and I up and ran to her'

"Y'all act like y'all haven't seen each other in years! Terry said and we told him to shut up, "YURRRR! We heard and turnt around to see Zay walking in with a girl behind him'

'I walked back over to Taurus and sat down and got on my phone, "Aye I want y'all to meet my girlfriend, we been talking fa a lil minute now! He said and I looked up and smiled at her'

"Hey girly! I said and she spoke back, "Igh bae that's Kyra and Shoota, thats Terry, and those two are Taurus and Zia" he introduced her to us, me and Kyra decided to have a alone talk with his girl and we were in the kitchen'

"So what's your name? I asked, "My name Kali! She said smiling, we all talked for a lil and her vibes were good'

"Y'all let's take a trip somewhere!! Kyra said and we all looked up and payed attention to her, "Where thooo? I asked'

"We should go to Miami! She said and I agreed with her, "When we gon go? Terry asked and everybody humped they shoulders'

"We should go June 1st! Kali suggested and everybody agreed on that, "Ok sooo book y'all flightssss and be prepared!! Kyra said and I started clapping'

"Yasssss I got some outfits I wanna wearrrr!! I said sticking out my tongue and Taurus mugged me, "Ion kno why you so excited you ain wearing that see through shii! Him and Shoota said to me and Kyra and we just rolled our eyes'

"Says whooo? Me and Kyra said getting up and she and started twerking and I was hyping her up and I got yanked back down, "Dont fucking play with me Dezia! He whispered in my ear'

'When he said my real name that meant he was seriousss! "Okokkkk fine party crasher......

'When he said my real name that meant he was seriousss! "Okokkkk fine party crasher

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