Our Encounter

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Ok this story is like a repeat of the other story but with more encounters and details so you will know how much the Ren family felt about Anskhersam. This should also add more emotion when you read my story. In other words, it's part of the story but in a better version. I hope you like it. Also please comment on your opinion please but no hurtful ones. Thank you for reading my story. :3



*yawn* I open my eyes as the light hit my eyes. So bright, I thought. I got off of bed, rubbing my eyes. I changed into a green dress since the Kou empire's commoner has to (the pic is how I imagined Kou Clothes to be like) and I really don't want to get into trouble. I tied some of my short blue hair to twin tails leaving the rest to stay down. My necklace glittered in the light.
I always wore a golden crescent with a gold diamond and had engravings on it with a pink gem as the center. I walked out my room and greeted the landlady of my temporary home on my way out.
I was in the market, doing some grocery shopping. I had a lot money from working in Sindria trading company awhile ago in Leim empire(Magi Sinbad No Bouken ) I saved that money for traveling expenses. To get money for food, I would somehow find gold by following these yellow little birds. It was as if they were guiding me.
Just to let you know, I am not really a magician. I can manipulate my magoi but I can't use magic. I use magic from my crescent necklace. All I know is that crescent necklace was from my mother. The necklace gave me the ability to see these birds.
I was about done grocery shopping until a bunch of men walked towards me.
I tried to avoid them but they seem to be following me wherever I go. At some point, I was surround by them in a dark alleyway.
What luck, I thought.
"Excuse me," I said politely, trying to get through.
"Not so fast, little girl," said the man I assume was the leader." You're not going anywhere unless you give us all your stuff."
I stepped back a bit. I noticed all the men pulled out their sharp blood stained swords. I reached to my side for my dagger. Shoot, I thought. I left my emergency dagger at home.
I started to get nervous. It's not like I've never been mugged before but I had weapons on me that time. The robbers started approaching.
I'm doomed, I thought.
That was until .......
I hope you like
cliff hanger. I'm going to update randomly so be aware. The most I won't update would probably be a week. You probably know what going to happen if you read my previous story. Also, you're probably thinking," if she was in danger, why couldn't she use her metal vessel-ish of a necklace?" Well, she has no complete control of her power yet, so if she used her power inexperienced, let's just say the thieves aren't the only things destroyed. She has only mastered the defensive part of her metal vessel like necklace. Also thanks for reading this. I hope this is better and more interesting with all the details. Please comment/vote for this story. Thanks~

Our Childhood Past (Kouha x OC) A Magi FanficWhere stories live. Discover now