"Four pieces, they're broken and
need to be mended, but mending
a broken piece is almost impossible."
THE RULES ARE SIMPLE. Kill fifty people, get one million pounds. But is it that easy? No, obviously. The kills need to be immaculate, evidence mu...
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"Here's the plan." Thomas said, they where underneath a bridge.
Newt's apartment was behind them. It was a tall building in which probably a lot of people lived in.
His bodyguard wasn't coming with him today, something about sorting out permission and that.
"I'm all ears." Aris smiled.
"We need to go to Newt's apartment-"
"No shit, Sherlock."
Thomas ignore him, "but we can get registered so we can't use the elevator. So one of us has to distract the receptionist and the other has to climb up the stairs to Newt's apartment and get Solly."
Aris thought for a while, "I'll distract the receptionist you go to get the kid."
They did gang signs to each other before Thomas headed to the apartment, Aris trailing behind him.
Before Thomas opened the door, he looked back at Aris, "you ready?"
Aris nodded, "I'll go in first." He walked into the apartment lobby, it was a bit full which was good for Thomas to camouflage.
I mean Thomas was a short ass boy, he could easily blend in with the crowd.
Aris walked to the reception table, his hands in his pockets, his pants sagging and his back a bit arched.
"Man's bare vexed with my yardmates, fam." Aris said to the receptionist.
He stopped near the desk, standing up straighter, he tried to look polite but when he had straight choppy bangs, his left eyebrow split in the middle, wasn't wearing his blazer and was sagging his pants, he looked like a gangman. He smiled. A cocky one. Very cocky.
"What did you just say?" The receptionist asked, tilting her head slightly.
"I said I hate my roommates."
The receptionist looked confused, she knew boys like him meant trouble, and she didn't want to be involved, she raised an eyebrow, "well, tell me why?" She asked, looking invested in the conversation that was building.
Aris took a quick glance to his side, he sees Thomas tip toeing past some people, pushing past some people who gave him dirty looks.
"They're proper weird, fam." He did not elaborate.