chapter one

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Jisungs phone buzzed while playing a loud beeping sound, waking him up just on time for his first day at college, he checked the time


He got up with a small sigh, stretching before he turned on his rooms light, finding himself some clothes, ending up picking out some jeans and a black tshirt for his first day. After getting dressed he peaked into Hyunjins room, shaking his head "still asleep, per usual."

Hyunjin had only been living with the family since he moved in during their junior year of highschool after his parents died. His parents and Jisungs parents were best friends and even though the boys hated each other, Hyunjins moms wish was for them to care for hyunjin if anything happened. The last year of highschool is when the boys put aside their differences and became close friends, almost like real brothers.

Jisung knew that they both had a class at exactly 7:30am. He walked into Hyunjins room and turned on the light, teasing the older male with his words "wake up loser, I'm not gonna wake your ass up everyday either."

Hyunjin groaned, whining dramatically as usual "it's already morning?"

"yes, now get up drama king. you'll be fine~" he left the sleepy male in his room while he went to the bathroom mirror, brushing his hair down before looking into the reflection, shrugging with a thought 'looks fine.'

Jisung waited on Hyunjin for what seemed like forever when he heard a door open, before being wrapped into a hug

"my little boy is all grown! look at you two, leaving your ol mother-" his mom looked between the two males

"ah- mom, we will be back for dinner! we aren't living on campus-"

"I know honey but you two just look so grown! Hyunjin, I know your parents are watching and they are so proud of you, just like I am!" she pulled Hyunjin into a tight hug as well

"okay mom, we really need to get going, bye, we love you!" Jisung said practically running out the door pulling Hyunjin behind him so they wouldn't be late for their first day.


Jisung pulled into a parking spot at the school, turning off his car before looking at Hyunjin who was in the passenger seat

"you're driving tomorrow." he chuckled softly, getting out of the car, making sure to grab his backpack

Jisung could feel his heart beating out of his chest, the building was small unlike most colleges he looked at before he moved so, why was he nervous?

College is nothing like highschool, he knew this, and he had one of his best friends by his side. He seemed very lucky, but anxiety was like an overly attached friend, it followed him and lingered everywhere.

Jisung watched a small group of males pass by them, he stared at one in particular, light brown hair, a beautiful laugh and smile.

Did he find the male pretty? was he weird for thinking another man was attractive, he knew gay people existed, but he wasn't gay, right?

Jisung was snapped out of his thoughts when he felt Hyunjin touch his shoulder,

"you good Ji?"

"huh-? oh- yeah, uh we should hurry so we aren't late!" he hurried into the building, looking at his phone to find the correct room for the first class the both had together, making sure they sat next to each other.

"are you sure you are okay jisung? are you anxious?" Hyunjin whispered, feeling the way Jisung was acting was off

"I'm fine, I promise, maybe a lil anxious but who isn't-" he smiled to reassure his friend, just as their professor walked in to start their lecture.

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