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Haniya's pov

When she  stumbled into the cabin after the shove. It took her some moments to understand what just happened. She got shocked after seeing the person already present inside at the same time his phone pinged with his brothers number saying.

Don't blow up this chance bhai because she isn't going to forgive me for what I did.


When the door slammed shut he looked up to see the person he least expected standing inside his office with stunned expressions mirroring his.

She is wearing a red color hoodie his favorite color on her with dark blue denims and white sneakers. Her hair is up in a messy bun, face bare of any makeup, eyes puffy like she has been crying all the time. It's all because of him. His eyes softened.

Did you ever feel like killing someone. And when you realize you can't kill that person you want to kill yourself instead. That's what she is feeling standing in front him. Looking at him wide eye like she saw some ghost.

She turned around to rush out of the room. But found the room locked from outside. She was furious at Zyan for putting her in this situation. She took a deep breath to calm herself down and dialed Zyan's number to get her out of this room. But can he after all he is the master mind of this plan.

He picked up and before she can speak anything he spoke "Please speak to him and clear everything you both need it and you can kill me later."
And cut the call without giving her a chance to say anything making her more frustrated.

After realizing there is nothing can be done. He whispered her name softly “Haniya".


here is earnestness in his voice like he want her to know what he is feeling.
She stiffened hearing tenderness in his voice. But she can't let her walls down again she doesn't want him to take her for granted like always. So she turned her back to him completely. His face isn't giving her butterflies like always. It is reminding her of things she is trying so hard to run away from.

“I am sorry Niya I am sorry. I know you are very mad at me and nothing can justify my deeds for that Night. But I never wanted to hurt you." he close his eyes like saying everything is hurting him.
She said with a scoff, “but you did".
“I know. I know Jaana whatever I did was wrong it was all my anger talking. Believe me".He said standing in front of her.

She lifted her gaze to detect any lie but found none. Because for her his eyes spoke more than his words.She noticed his eyes held dark circles around them like he didn't sleep for days. She can't met his guilt filled eyes more than few seconds so she turned her face away. She does not want to forgive him for accusing her and taking her for granted.

“Please forgive me and come back home. I promise to never hurt you again. It was my mistake. I should have confront you. I should have listen to your side before accusing you like that. I shouldn't have disrespected you. You can punish me however you want. Hit me if you want curse me all but forgive me."he said desperately holding her hands and bringing them to his lips and planting a soft kiss on them. Like if he can't hold her she will run away from him.

But can she forgive him this easy. Can he erase that night from her memories. So she snatched her hands from his hold and spat venomously to him with a bitter smile “Oh don't bother to apologize to this shameless woman Mr. Ryan khan. I am not interested in playing innocent anymore after all you are so naive." he shook his head at her words with tears in his eyes.  His eyes pleading lips wobbling.

“I am sorry I didn't meant those words. I promise to never repeat that mistake just come back home I promise to make it up to you. I am ready for the punishment." he begged. She can't see him like this. This isn't the man she knew the strong headed, composed and desperate. He is looking so broken and vulnerable. She can see the clear regret in his eyes. This is too much for her. Looking him like that made her eyes watered too.

“Who were you talking about that day?you were comparing me with some woman who was she? " she asked  putting a stone on her heart.  There was some woman in her husband's life before her. Who still holds enough power to effect him. She doesn't doubt on him. She knew him enough. She just don't want herself to be the only one trying. She wants to be sure to give him a chance.
“I don't want you to forgive me because of my past. I don't want anyone's pity.I promise I will tell you everything once you forgive me." he said cupping her cheeks and bending to her eye level making her meet his gaze so she can see the sincerity they hold.

“Why are you ready now? You was never there before. I was the only one trying in this relationship". She asked accusingly.
“Because I know you won't judge me,you will try to understand me and I regret not trying before. That night  I was going to confess my love for you".She tried to came out of his hold on the mention of that night. But he hold her firmly against him and connecting their foreheads.
And starts again “ But I never got a chance. Please give me a chance to make this right."
"I am tired trying alone" she whispered shakily.
“Then let me be the only one to try for both of us" he said in without waiting for a second.
“You will also get tired trying alone".
“I won't when it's you and your love at stake I can't afford to get tired trying for us." he said with a smile.
“Don't give me false hopes. What if something happened again?What if she came back again?You will again believe her or whatever. What if you accuse me again?".
“Only time have the answers of these what if's. I can't give you answers of these questions.  But I can assure you of one thing that I will never going to give up on you on us. Because you never give up on us. And I will win your heart. I promise." He said stepping back after kissing her forehead gently and gazing at her lovingly like memorising her every feature.

"I want to go home".she said looking down from his intense gaze avoiding eye contact.
"Let me drop you back". He said hopefully.
"No I don't want to go with you." She said not wanting to stay in his presence any more. She knew she will give in if she did.
His face fell hearing her rejection but she is too busy in her internal battle that she didn't notice.
“I'll  call  Zay" he said handling her the glass of water kept on the table and making her sit on his chair which took her ofguard. And he got busy making the call. She just nodded not wanting to say anything exhausted after their confrontation.

He speak on the call commanding “ Zay open the door and drop Niya back." and cut the call.
This make her glare at him.“If it was this easy to make him open the door why did you not do it before". She said poking her finger at his chest.
He was speechless.He was looking at her wide eye. He is getting afraid of her. Just then the door cracked open a little and Zyan only poke his face inside with a sheepish grin which soon truned into amusing one seeing their position.
Him standing scared holding her finger which she was poking in his chest few seconds ago.
"Did I interrupt something."
"Shut up" they both yelled in unison and looked away from each other.
"I should leave." she said moving towards door and gazing in his expectant eyes before throwing a glare at Zyan's way.

He didn't like it a bit her going away from him not with him. Her home not their home. Not with him. It is breaking him so he called her name with vulnerable desperation and hope combine in his voice. And she stopped. She thought they were done for today. She didn't turn back. Just stopped in her tracks. Seeing this Zyan move out saying I am waiting in the parking lot.

"Come back soon. Take as much time as you want. Our home is waiting for you."  He exhales like he is controlling himself to burst out crying. Then added in a whisper " I'll be waiting for you".

Guyz please share my story to your friends so this can reach more people. If you want to suggest anything feel free to do it. 💓✨

Second Chance? Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora