Volume 9 Chapter 1: Sprinting Towards The Future!

Start from the beginning

Rose pulled away but he wanted more. He craved more. He had to have more. He needed more of her physical attention. She saw this in his eyes but her stomach began to growling. He looked down and then chuckled softly. "Awww, is my darling flower hungry?" "Yeah, I am. I told everyone to meet up in the dining room. They are waiting for us. We should get going. But first let me get dressed. Turn around mister." He obeyed her orders and she began to strip her armour and bodysuit off. He was standing on the other side of the bed. He glanced over his shoulder and he felt his heart melt and his cock get rock hard. Her body was covered in scars of all shapes and sizes. He thought her scars were beautiful and extremely sexy. Her curves, thick muscular build, and long Auburn red hair made him drool just a little. He looked away so he wouldn't get caught.

They both were dressed pretty stylish as they both linked arms and headed towards the dining room to eat breakfast. As they walked down the seemingly endless hallway Vlad poked her soft and squishy cheeks with a curious look in his eyes. "You are so soft and squishy, were you always like this, Rose?" She looked up at him getting used to his human senses. It was so cute and adorable that she couldn't help but put up with it. "Yes I have, I'm looking forward to seeing your reaction to eating human food for the first time in centuries." He stopped poking her left cheek and his eyes lit up with excitement. "I totally forgot that I can taste things other than blood now!" His grip on her arm tightened. She giggled at his immense excitement. He was acting like a little kid.

They both stepped into the dinning hall and they felt the eyes of Rose's war council and allies. Vladimir's new look gave Viviana a nosebleed as he was beyond the word of beautiful and handsome. He no longer looked scary or intimidating at first glance and his bright pearly white smile struck the hearts at the table simultaneously. But that's when they saw what he was wearing, their expressions of embarrassment were replaced with PTSD of the past. He released the princess gracefully and approached the table with an antisocial expression of gloom. Their bodies tensed up at the sight of his death glare. He hasn't changed in the slightest it comes to socializing with anyone else other than Rose.

He was wearing knee length black shorts with black leggings underneath. Dark red boots with high heels, black iron soles with spikes and golden buckles. Black high collar coat with red lining. Randomly designed and colored shirt. Dark red elbow length fingerless gloves, with black rings on all fingers with garnet rubys. Black scarf covering up his face when in public, except for his unique eyes. Two Sabres on his back in a X formation.

He sat down next to Rose who was at the end of the table. He pulled out her chair with grace. He ignored the facial expressions of fear and anxiety and just looked her way. Everyone saw what she was wearing and wondered where her outfit came from. It wasn't very lady-like or graceful. Their very thoughts pissed off Vlad. "What's with those looks, huh?" His voice sounded gruff and gravely. It made everyone except for Zerxus Kalvaxus to cringe. They all looked down at their empty plates and said nothing. "I personally think you both looked wonderful and modern. These lads and ladies haven't seen this kind of style design, my lady." His voice was deep and serious. Everyone looked his way. They still haven't been introduced to him. Rose noticed this and felt the tension in the air. It was almost suffocating. She cleared her throat and raised her voice,"Listen up, you are all here because I chose you out of everyone. You are all special to me in some way or another. I trust you all."

Zerxus Kalvaxus, Blitzkrieg Zefar, Drax Bennett, Viviana Culthos, Haruna Sakuragi, and Rizzo Ze'atar looked at her attentively. "I know that some of you don't know what a modern society is like so let me be more clear. Freedom to express yourself. Capitalism, a way to increase the economy and give the citizens the rights to just as much money as the rich nobles. Knowledge of academics and history shared with others other than rich people. Rights to the people to protect and keep order. Creative freedom to chase after your goals and dreams. Music, art, performances, technology, and anything you can think of will be created and sold. A Utopia & a paradise for all! There's so much to come in this next era that I'm going to bring to this world in the next few months. But if you are still hesitant, how about I show you a demonstration of new food creations. My new advisor Zerxus Kalvaxus helped me defeat the king of hell Hades. He's in charge of everything kingdom related whenever I'm busy or away from the kingdom. Blitzkrieg is in control of the military affairs, together they are going to work together as your new superiors. So be sure to spread the word to the staff and royal guard. They are my right and left hand." She nodded to Zerxus and he whistled loudly. "The future is within our grasps, let's stop sitting down and being content with the now. And continued to run into the direction of change. And let's transform into something better and more inspiring for the people." Rose's appearance was much more mature and her clothes were definitely not traditional.

She has slightly tanned Ivory white skin, thick and curvy framed body, hidden muscular build, medium sized breasts, and small butt. Hazel green left eye. A four claw mark starting from her right eyebrow down to her collarbone. In some places it was a deeper cut than other places. Rainbow effect crystal right eye that was given to her by Artemis. She usually has it closed until she needs it. Entire Left arm is made out of the Void element, it has cracks that glow red. Their right arm and neck has a blue chain tattoo that becomes physical and sets on fire whenever they use their Beast Contract Magic. Deep cuts, claw marks, bite marks, 2 degree burns, and even more kinds of wounds spread throughout her body from the heat of battle.

She was wearing a maroon red leather jacket with a gold rose on the back. They have her God sigils embroidered in gold on the sleeves that have a rainbow magic effect. Maroon red leather fingerless glove with a black palm for her right hand. Black baggy undershirt, matching maroon red cargo pants, black belt with a gold rose buckle. Black leather boots with golden eyelets and Maroon red laces and gold soles. (It may look heavy and hot to wear but it feels nice and cold upon their skin.)

The new devilish staff came into the great hall with trays of covered food. They all didn't expect to see something as simple and mouthwatering. "This is what I call a real meal, welcome to the future everyone. This is called a cheeseburger and chips. Eat with your hands, no utensils. Just like this, it's supposed to be messy." She grabbed the buns and took a giant bite into the greasy and moist patty. She went to heaven as she tasted a bit of her old life. Drax was going into shock over the sight of his favorite meal back on Earth. He dove head first and took a bite happily. He licked his lips as tears began flowing. "It's so good." He said to himself as he continued savoring the tangy, acidic and greasy taste. Her talk of the future was scary but it made them all hungry for more opportunities and experiences. They all took a small bute and before they knew it they were devouring the burger and chips (fries) with blissful joy. Vladimir was surprised that this was what she was talking about over the years. Earth food creations are so tasty. He's so happy that he was taste buds again. He wants to explore the culinary arts and eat more tasty food.

Rose knew that it was breakfast but everyone deserved something more substantial than soup or biscuits. The creation of brunch in this world needed to be a thing anyways. She was excited to see their reactions to the ice cream, sandwich, and all sorts of shops that The Morningstar Trading Company is building as they speak. It's going to be so much fun and enjoyable. This world deserves a break from heartbreak and war. It needs more fun and spontaneous experiences open to the public. Rose looked over at Vladimir, her handsome fiance and used their telepathy link,"Let's go down to the city and see how construction is going. I also want to introduce you to a friend of mine." He nodded his head and responded with,"Sounds like a plan, I don't want to be near these goons anymore."

To be continued...

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