•|Is this my fault?- Jin|•13

114 5 3

Y/n: 13

Jin: 25

I walked down the streets, getting out of school, just another regular day.

...Or so I thought so.

Little did I know, today would change everything.

I walked next to a apartment building which was a different direction than the one which I normally used, but I decided to use that path today, and itwas just a few blocks away from home, and that's when it happened.

"Hello, sweetheart."

It was the voice of a man, a man who seemed to be a lot older than me, but not old like in his 50's maybe..in his 30's..?

He started down at me with a wide grin, almost like a smirk as it seemed to me.

"What do you think of someone like me?"


This guy was crazy, a moment of realization hit, he was gonna do something to me.

And I knew what he was trying to do.


"I'm soon going to be a part of you sweetheart."

He placed his hands on my shoulders cornering me against the building's walls.

He tapped his fingers on my shoulder, I felt shivers, I felt horrified.

"Stop...make it stop...."

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