part 17

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" Okay guys let's  continue our work" chan said 

After sometime
Hyunjin POV
Why did chan hyung have to something stupid like that now my baby also thinking I'm cold ice but who is going to tell him I'm warm for him only whatever I have to do something what can I do , think hyunjin think something different, different without him realising what can I do
Yes I have idea he smiled
End of hyunjin POV

" Okay felix what is my sedule today" he asked to felix
" You have meeting with Jay park and Yang jungwon then  business  trip for two days" felix said flipping file
" Ooh okay then get ready we are going in afternoon" hyunjin said
" Whaaaaaaaat " felix widened his eyes soon he understand and quickly change his expression
"  Aren't you hear ,as my secretary your duty is coming with me in every work " hyunjin said strictly with cold and dominant voice
Hearing this voice felix and others  Shivered
" Yes, yes sir I will come with you just give me some time to pack things and you meeting with Mr park and Yang is after one hour" with that felix going to leave
" Did I said to leave " hyunjin said coldly felix froze at his spot he bowed continuously saying sorry where others ( han , jeongin and seungmin )  looking at him with pity and our vampires are enjoying show with huge smirk
Then felix started to work on his laptop

Felix pov
" Aish this angry dramatic bird ,why he suddenly shouting at me I swear if I also have money like him I'm gonna treat him same, what  wrong with this man aahhhh why I need to go with him for trip  , now why he looking at me in that way like I stole something from him , ohhh I forgot to give him his important presentation file for his meeting how dumb I'm ,now the volcano going to blast "

End of felix pov

with that felix fastly get file and handle to hyunjin before he shout but he didn't said anything to felix which makes felix relaxed

Hyunjin POV
I read hear his thoughts, I really want to laugh at him plus wanting put my fake anger towards him but he is too adorable  , when I look at him he reminded the file and fastly give it to me before I said something aish lee felix you are making me day by day crezy for you , just wait I'm gonna make you fall for me

End of hyunjin POV

Lee know pov
Great job hyunjin you played smoothly like butter without   your dramatic  drama now I also need to think something different, how I'm gonna convince han to join me I need to wait for some time to find a better way to talk to him maybe any park will good to talk to him using my sweetest voice for him , guessing that fact han and others are probably angry on us  cause of chan but who cares chan need to do something to fix his problem with jeongin and need to talk with my hanni

End of lee know pov

Changbin pov
I can read my seungmin mind and I know how he badly wanted to go any kind of party wait my dear I gonna arrange big party tomorrow for us only without your knowing , you will happy  I can't wait to see your happy face

End of changbin pov

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