"Alright," Thorin replied shortly. Authanar and Legolas exchanged glances behind the two, surprised they had spoken at all. Elves of all standings watched as the strange group made their ways throughout the palace, though none was more shocked than the Captain of the Guard, Tauriel. She watched them from her post, eyes wandering the outsiders with great apprehension and dwarves alike, lingering on one in particular. On the one hand, they were dwarves... but, on the other, they had done what Tauriel had always wished to do, explore the world. Yet, in Mirkwood she stayed, bound by honor, duty, and love to her lord Thranduil because of his actions in her early life.

When the group arrived at the rooms set for the dwarves and Bilbo, the three figure heads of the Woodland Realm lined up together in a way that reminded Violet of Mean Girls. The witch had to force herself to look away, lest she let Thranduil remind her of Regina George. Legolas would be Karen and Authanar would be Gretchen.

As she listened to Thranduil speak about dinner, the thoughts wouldn't leave her mind, and she swore that if they strutted off together that she would lose it entirely. Thranduil does strut, and she knew that he knew that.

When all three turned to leave, they in fact did all strut off and Violet tried to find her calm in between her fits of giggles as she ran to catch up with them.

She turned around in front of them, walking backwards with a large grin on her face. 

"I need you three to do me a favor. No questions asked," she said. When they all agreed, albeit reluctantly and only at the look from his brother did Authanar agree, she looked at Legolas first. "Say, 'On Wednesdays we wear pink'".

Legolas looked at his father and uncle, fully perplexed, but looked back to Violet and said, "...On Wednesdays we wear pink?"

The line caused Violet to burst into a fit of giggles, and she placed her hands on her knees before standing back up and looking at the remaining two ellons. "Okay, now Authanar, you say 'That is so fetch'. And Thranduil, you say, 'Gretchen, stop trying to make fetch happen! It's not going to happen'."

Authanar looked almost disgusted at the words he had to utter, and confused, but nonetheless did as she asked. Thranduil ensured he delivered, taking heart in how Violet's giggles filled the halls of the palace, and he watched her as she walked away, trying to get them under control with warm eyes and a loving smile.

He didn't notice the watchful eyes of Gandalf leaning on his staff, watching the pair with a soft smile.


Violet entered her room, almost fully calmed down from giggling, noticing a box with a note sitting on top of her bed. She walked closer with a smile, stroking Flufflepuff's side as he came up to greet her.

'My dear Violet,

Please do me the honor of wearing this for dinner tonight.

Thranduil xx'

She felt the butterflies creep up, and she imagined Thranduil taking the time to have a handwritten note sent to her, instead of having a servant deliver the message. This felt much more private, much more intimate, like it was their secret.

She unfolded the dress gently, laying it across her bed. It was a beautiful emerald green velvet dress, long and flowing with a small train at the back. The green ended right at the shoulders, with more gold fabric coming out the top to give her shoulders more coverage. A golden trim went around the neckline as well, with golden chains hanging in a necklace like pattern from the shoulders.

The sleeves ended right before the elbow, golden stitching making way for it to cut open to let the rest flow down in gold fabrics on the inside with the same velvet emerald green on the outside, ending a few inches before the bottom of the gown. That same golden stitching went around her middle, resembling almost a belt, flowing in four different directions to cinch her midsection in. This piece gave way for a design to be inputted, and upon closer inspection, she noticed they were meant to resemble branches. The branches of Mirkwood.

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