Is This Our End Or Beginning?

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Eurydice: Orpheus, hold on

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Eurydice: Orpheus, hold on. Hold on tight.
It won't be long: The darkest hour of the darknest
night comes right before the dawn.

( ORPHEUS turns. )

Eurydice: You're early.

Orpheus: I missed you.

I: Adeline Renèe Saint is a girl born in the 20th century.

Like all flowers when showered with rain and serenaded with sunlight: they bloom. Adeline hasn't lived for long yet, but she knows that there's not much she can live for in this lifetime of hers. Not for people that look like her, and certainly not for people who have the sincere heart she does. Flowers like that burn too quickly, but Adeline's not quite sure if the death begins with the root or starts with the petals.

Adeline's also not really religious as she'd like to be. But, her father's kind smile when she dresses herself nicely with beads in her small braids and runs to hold his hand as they walk together never fails to make Adeline ignore what she's feeling about entering the grounds of salvation. The wooden cross that she looks up to at the near ceiling of the church only stares back at her as if it's her own reflection. She's been in attendance ever since she was a child— it's custom. But, Adeline doesn't think the mercy of God will ever save her from her treacherously monotone world, but it's the small hope when she prays silently in her seat and at the windowsill of her small home desperately waiting to hear something from God:

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