Ch17 Party animals

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The car ride to school was totally silent. I stole a glance at her, and It looked like she was a little angry and annoyed at me. She was looking out the window with her hands crossed against her chest and never said a word.

Did I make the wrong move?

"Y/N, ah, are you mad at me coming?"

"You just realized?"


"Why did you come?"

Yah why? Actually, I also don't know the exact reason why I came.

Just this morning I woke up so early that I also wondered because I had never woken up that early before. However, when I opened my eyes this morning, the first thing that came to my mind was seeing her.

"I was just wondering if you still needed a ride, so I came early, but when I was waiting for you at the gate, your dad came out to get some morning newspaper, so yeah, that's how I ended up having the first meal of the day with you and your parents."

"Don't do that again."

I suddenly became tense when she said those words. He was not asking me, but it looks like she's giving me an order.

"Y/N I-"

"Stop the car."

I don't know, but when she asked me to stop, I immediately did as she said without thinking that she would get off the car and take another way to go to school.

And that's what happened, she got off my car and walked until she reached the subway, where I lost sight of her. I can't believe myself that I became like an obedient puppy just of her words. I mean, I have all the rights not to stop the car when she said it, and I also have all the chance to stop her so she can't get off, but I just froze there and watched her leave like I didn't  care.

Yah, I don't care.

I arrived at school and saw the guys waiting for me, leaning on the car while chatting and laughing. I wonder what makes them laugh.


"Hey, bro, You've arrived on time."

"Uhm, what's up?"

Hobi hyung came to greet me first as I got out of my car. The others look like they are so into the conversation, which made me really interested to know about it.

Bro, we were talking about the party Tae's cousin will throw."

"Tae's cousin?"

"Yes, bro, Janine? Remember her?"

"Oh, that's her? I didn't recognize her, dude, she's grown up pretty."

I can't believe that was her, yah, she's Taehyung's cousin who has been liking me since we were in elementary school. Me and Tae were more than a year older, but that's not enough reason for her to stop following me around the school and telling everyone that I'm her boyfriend. It's funny to think how her transformation was, from a chubby little cute little girl to a sexy and hot lady.

"Ok, cut that, so we're all going tonight."

Suga Hyung cut me off, and as expected, everyone agreed. Of course it's a party, and my group are party animals, as I can say.

 Of course it's a party, and my group are party animals, as I can say

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