I wiped the grogginess out of my eyes as I woke to someone banging on my hotel room door. Deciding to ignore it, I turned my head as I buried it in the pillow behind me trying to drown out the sound of the noise. It doesn't work.
I feel my eyes begin to droop as my drowsiness seems to still be within me despite the noise but they shoot wide open when I hear the voice of my manager, "Nathan! I know you're in there. Open this door right now!" her voice booms from the other side of the door.
I move over so that I'm laying on my back. I swing my forearm over my eyes and continue laying there for a few seconds trying to enjoy the few seconds of peace I have left before I face my manager as he explains to me whatever the fuck I managed to do this time to get myself into trouble.
Begrudgingly, I get myself out of bed and walk over to the door, rubbing the sleepiness out of my eyes as the knocks continued. When I finally open the door I'm met with the angry eyes of my lovely manager, Tatiana. Her fist was raised in a knocking position which slowly lowered down as she began to cross her arms looking at me expectantly.
Giving her a sheepish smile, I tell her, "Good Morning, Taty." I raise my hand and make a circular motion above my head, "Love what you got going on up there." I tell her as I take in the box braids she has on her head, a style I'm not used to seeing on her since I know how fond she is of wigs.
Her face is blank as she just looks me up and down. She takes in my attire or should I say lack thereof as I stand before her in nothing but black sweatpants sans a t-shirt, "It's 1 PM, you idiot. Move out of my way, I need to talk to you." she motions for me to step aside. Doing as she says, she then strolls into the room and turns back to me and where I'm standing at the door, waiting for me to close it.
When the door is closed, she motions to the bed, "Sit."
As soon as I sit down, she's quick to get into it, "I told you so." is all she says and I look up at her in confusion.
"You told me what?" I ask
She raises her hands in exasperation, "I told you that one day your attitude and all your little smart comments and remarks were going to be your downfall one day but you can never take me seriously can you?" she asks, and when I open my mouth to answer she shushes and says, "That was rhetorical."
"What exactly are you talking about, Taty?" I say again
"You're trending today." she tells me, "Not because you had such a great concert last night, or because people are discussing your album. Nobody is actually even discussing your music or your talent because they're busy discussing your character." she says as she begins to pull out her phone from her pocket, presumably going to Twitter to show me what she's referring to.
"Let me read you what some of these tweets are saying.WightGirl454 tweeted, 'Have y'all seen what the girl said about Nathan in her youtube video? I knew Nathan wasn't the nicest person in the world but if that's how he talks to his fans, I'm glad I opted not to get meet and greet tickets.'" Taty reads the tweet and my eyebrows furrow. What is going on? What girl?
"I'm gonna read another one. Oh, and you're gonna love the username. MrsNathanWright said, 'Nah. If Nathan looked me square in the eyes and spoke to me in any tone that wasn't positive I'd literally want to crawl into a hole and never be seen again. Like, I would actually cry.'" Taty looks at me briefly before scrolling through her phone to look for another tweet.
"Oh, and I think this one is my personal favorite. BadGalNatalie says, 'I done told y'all that Dallas was the only Wright brother that y'all should be stanning but y'all let that Usher wannabe brother of his fool y'all into thinking that he was that guy.'" Taty finishes reading and hands me her phone so I can see the rest. People are not happy with me right now.

The Right Girl
ChickLit[The Wright Ones series-- Book 1] The Bad Boy & The Confidence Coach In which a member of one the world's biggest boy bands, dubbed as the bad boy of the group by the media, meets a confidence and relationship coach during one of his concerts. His w...