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Orange Leader

I sat in Light Steve's old office looking over the papers he had yet to finish. This place was empty and dull now. Over the past while... everyone has been put into a lockdown. I only have contact with the Green Steve's at the moment. We no longer welcome Blue Steve's in my kingdom. Neither do I allow the Yellow or Violets here. I don't want us to be forced to choose sides.

I have been getting letters from the colorless guards and Lily the current Captain that many guards are quitting to be with their people. Many others leave Because they believe it's no longer safe to be a part of the guard. Especially since they represent Light. All I can do is protect my people and the Green Steves.

I just hope that Light will return soon. It's been a week already since he disappeared. I hope that maybe Sabre has found him and they have been together since. It's the only thing I can hope for now.

A knock came to the door. I looked up confused before going over to open it. I opened the door slowly before looking to see a surprised Steve. The Indigo Leader.

"Indigo? I didn't expect to see you here." I tell him. He sighs.

"I know but... this is important. I had to tell you in the hope that you will help." The Indigo Leader explained as I let him into the room.

"What's the issue?" I sat back down in Light's seat while the Indigo Leader chose to stand.

"The Yellow leader and Indigo Leader have lost it! They are so angry at each other that they are planning a full-on war between each other!" He explains. Everything froze around me. This... this is where all of this has gotten to?

"They are... what?" I questioned my hearing and his words and he looked at me with distress in his eyes.

"They are planning on trying to take over the other. Not only that but they are blaming either side for the death of Rainbow and the loss of the crystals. They want to prove the others that are more powerful than the other..." He looks down with his hands shaking.

"I... when? When do they plan to do this?" I stood up quickly and began heading out of the room, a break between everyone is what we needed, not a full-on war.

"Now. They declared war on each other. It's only a matter of time until they start a full-on on attack each other... I can't even imagine how many Steve's will die to this..." He follows me from behind and I went to my house.

"Are they insane?! This is not what we fought the darkness for. How could the hard work of many others and their lives be taken like this? It's putting injustice to Rainbow Steve's name." Anger escaped me with each word I spoke. I stormed into my house to start writing things down on how to counteract this when a question came to mind.

"How do you know all of this?" He froze before taking out a letter.

"I was given this by the Yellow Leader. He wanted me to tell you he wants you to join him in overthrowing the Violet Steves... the same day the Violet Leader asked me to do the same." He hands me the letter, but I don't even bother to read it. I believe him.

"Okay... they want both of us to help overthrow them... so we need to do the exact opposite." I sighed realizing there was only one thing we could do. Either we stay on the side and let this happen or... we both fight against them.

"How do we do that? I don't have many people and they will refuse to fight..." He watched me as I began to write things down on a piece of paper.

"You don't have to. I need to you sabotage the Violet leader's supply with anyone willing to help. I will gather my people and the colorless guards to fight against the Yellow Steves if they try attacking the Violet Steves." I handed him a pen and a paper of what I just spoke of written down. The Indigo leader looks down at what I wrote and where I signed.

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