"Okay Daddy,"

Going to look for the perfect stuffie was really hard they all look so pretty and cuddly I just want all of them but I know I have to pick just one. Once the perfect one I decide to make my may back to Uncle Jax and Rach so I can show them what I got.

 Once the perfect one I decide to make my may back to Uncle Jax and Rach so I can show them what I got

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"Well shame to see you hear,"

That sarcastic evil voice that I hadn't heard in such a long time made me freeze in my footsteps. I just hoped and wished that it was a dream and that I could keep walking and continue the day like nothing. So that's what I decide to do after a deep inhale and exhale I just walk away.

"I'm talking to you, you little brat," I hear a sharp whisper that sends nothing but bad shivers up my spine. Just at that moment I'm yanked to turn around and come face to face with my biggest nightmare.

My Father.

I hate him.

"Leave me alone...Peter,"

I didn't know what to call him at first, but no father should act as such so he I feel as he doesn't deserve that title.

"Aweeeee the little bitch has a toy," He says coming steps closer to me making me back up.

"Don't you have something else to do leave me alone." I say proudly I don't know where this new found confidence but oh well.

"Some one has grown a back bone took you long enough,"

And right there all there all my confidence has gone because I felt my back touch the wall. At this point I just knew no one could help me.

"Not so confident no little bitch now are you,"

I didn't mean to, but the harsh words brought tears to my eyes knowing that it wasn't a lie. I couldn't even say anything back in this moment.

"Say something you idiot,"

What do you even say in this moment the person you're meant to look up to is threatening you and every time you have an interaction with them it was never good I just don't know what to do, but I cant let him see me cry.

"You are just asking for it you pathetic little bit-"

He raises his hand to hit me and I cover my face in instinct waiting for it to come, when I finally realise that it hasn't come I take my hands away from my face and look I see Dalton holding Peter's hand in the air and just by his facial expression I know Dalton is mad, I don't think I have ever seen him this mad ever.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing to her," Daddy says with nothing but anger in his voice.

"Teaching this stupid bitch a lesson why do you just mind your business."

Daddy looks at me and says, "Is this him?"

I just nod still not trusting my voice. Once I give him that confirmation he drags Peter somewhere I don't eve care where to I just go to hug Uncle Jax and Rach.

Daltons POV

Taking this no worth of a worth of a father to the very back of the mall so no one can find or hear us, he starts questioning me as to why I took him out I just saw red and punched him straight in the face. Even when I hear the crack coming from his nose I didn't stop.

Him on the ground pleading for me to stop was amazing to me knowing he didn't stop when Azzy begged. Leaving him there on the ground going back inside to my little girl.

30 minutes later

Azariah's POV

Sitting in the car thinking about all Peter had done to me hurts I guess something in me just hoped he would change one day I mean why have a child If you envy them or maybe it was just me maybe I am the problem. I just sit in thought.


I wake up I see a figure over me but I felt like I was dreaming so I choose to just close my eyes and ignore it.

"Open your eyes bitch I know you see me!"

In an instant by hearing that voice I jump up which was a bit too quick for me as I haven't eaten in the last two days.


He doesn't even say anything he just punches me in my face which feels so bad why would he want to bring me down even more than he already has I don't get it why won't he just leave me then I feel multiple sharp pains in my side as he keeps kicking me one of my ribs are at least broken or badly bruised and I cant even get any help because I have no money at all.

"You little bitch you thought you'd get away with ruining my life you nasty whore don't think I don't know that you sleeping here is a cover up when you're really spreading your legs like the filthy bitch you are!"

As my eyes are slightly open I see the sunrise so I know it's extremely early before I know dad well Peter he doesn't deserve that title anymore he grabs my bag and I try to run after him but my ribs hurt like hell I tried to run and go faster I don't want to lose the things I have in that bag they mean the world to me they make me who I am. I start to see black dots in my vison I shake my head so I have a clear view again but by the time I do Peter disappears and I don't know what to do everything I own the last few things I have to my name gone just like that.

"Azzy I need you to breathe please,"

The voice drags me out of my thought realising its Daddy I just hug him for what feels like forever and then I feel him bring me upstairs I hadn't even notices we was home, laying me in his bed I let the sleep need take me.

Thank you for reading sorry for any mistakes. Don't forget to vote and comment. 

This book is coming to an end one chapter left. 

Khalanni xx 

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