Chapter 1

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"I swear to fucking god!" Nari exclaimed as her phone fell from the makeshift tripod that was a vase. "As if this day couldn't get any worse." She breathed out putting it back.

"Welcome to another live of me ranting about my day." She introduced with a sarcastic smile on her face. "Okay so I woke up today and lo and behold, I got my period."

"Which wouldn't have been a problem until I saw that I only have one pad left. I had to fucking go to the store, you know how hard that is for me?" Nari ranted.

"And then a weirdo asked me to do aegyo at the convenience store." She said as her face contorted with disgust. "Like I know I'm cute and all but no."

"Should've punched him in the fucking face." Nari muttered. "But my parents anniversary is coming up soon so I have to go out and look for a gift."

"Think I'll call up Matthew and see what's up but I'm thinking of buying them trainers since they like taking walks around the farm in the afternoons." She said.


"Wait, by Bangtan? Why did I forget about that? My gosh, I've been too focused on not crying." Nari sighed grabbing the laptop next to her makeshift tripod and opening it.

"Okay I'm so excited for this, I might cry." She spoke up opening YouTube.


"That was amazing, you guys!" Nari exclaimed. "Bangtan once again delivered! They will never disappoint." She said after calming down. "Make sure you stream and I'm so serious."

"BTS 🔛🔝"
"Crying to Film out is so real"

"I just remembered something. Remember when I told you guys I'm the only person that lives on my floor at my apartment building?" Nari asked running her fingers through her hair.


"Well change of plans because why did my landlord call me this morning like, 'I regret to inform you- you're getting a new neighbour.' Like I thought you were bae."

"So no more jam sessions until I soundproof my apartment." Nari droned on. "I just hope he's not creepy- oh yeah and he's a man and you know how we feel about those." She joked squinting her eyes.

"I think I should end the live now if I want to get to the shoe store before closing time. I love you all so, so, so much and I'll talk to you guys again soon." Nari waved at her phone before turning off the live.


Nari walked back to the men's section for what seemed liked the hundredth time. "Matthew!" She whisper-shouted to her phone where she was on FaceTime with her brother. "Can you be fucking serious for like- point three seconds."

She walked to a display of ASICS trainers unaware of the man walking towards the same place. "Okay okay! Show me the shoes again." Matthew laughed at Nari's choice of words.

Nari sighed flipping the camera so that that Matthew can get a clear view of a pair of blue and grey running shoes. "Definitely take them, they're really nice." Matthew said. "Thank you. Don't know why it took you ten fucking minutes to decide." Nari scoffed flipping the camera back.

The man stood next to her looking at another pair. "Boo you whore, it's not my fault you can't make a decision by yourself. I mean- who helped you pick which car to buy." Matthew spoke up making Nari laugh at the mean girls reference.

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