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Chapter 37: Sister Vena

Guan Yu's first harvest of strawberries was unexpected, and he immediately contacted Mr. Anderson and asked him to send another cold chain transport ship and bring foam protection packaging to pick up the goods as soon as possible.

Guan Yu asked the strong brothers Hong Zhi, Hong Wei, and Hong Cong to control three harvesters to harvest potatoes, purple cabbage, and red and green peppers; The robot Doudou and the other two men transported the harvested vegetables to the open space in front of the house, where they were guarded to avoid vandalism.

Guan Yu held the sugar candy and picked strawberries in the strawberry field with Ben and Sister Liu.

Because he wanted to provide a venue for everyone to rest and relax, Guan Yu bought large parasols, solar fans and thermal buckets from official stores and placed them in the fields, so that everyone could sweat and drink ice water.

Sugar Candy is young and delicate, Guan Yu has to take care of him at any time and is worried that he will suffer from sunburn, so he applied sunscreen to him and let him sit under a parasol to escape the heat.

In the shadow of the large yellow parasol, the baby sits on the recliner blowing a fan, two small hands holding a chilled strawberry and nibbling fragrantly, pink juice around his mouth and chin, and a happy smile on his little face.

The official store's chilled transport ship soon arrived, and Guan Yu, who was in charge of picking strawberries, worked together with the official store robot to carefully wrap the strawberries temporarily placed on aseptic paper with foam shock jackets and put them in cubic boxes, and finally all of them were placed in the transport ship with cold white mist.

500 strawberry seedlings harvested 4,250 strawberries, Guan Yu left 5 for one of the seven helpers, 20 to Song Yi, Nong Jiamao, Zhong Yang and Anderson, 235 for himself to eat and make seeds, and the remaining 3,900 strawberries were all delivered to the official store.

The transport ship carrying strawberries took the lead in delivering strawberries to Mr. Anderson's office, and Anderson, who had eaten such delicious strawberries for the first time in his life, couldn't wait to call Guan Yu:

"This strawberry is so fragrant and sweet!" I think one can sell for more than 100 SGDs!

Guan Yu thought about the same as he did, strawberries are not as big as the previous vegetables, but it is more sweet and delicious, and the labor, packaging and cold transportation costs are also very high, and it is expensive to sell to make money.

After discussion, the two set the price of a single strawberry at 120 stars, mainly for those who have spare money.

The potatoes, cabbage and red and green peppers also had a bumper harvest, delivering a total of 31,000 potatoes, 1,000 purple cabbage, 10,000 green peppers and 11,500 red peppers.

Today, I finally made 1,272,900 dollars!

The four transport ships of the official store left loaded with fresh fruits and vegetables, but Guan Yu began to worry as he looked at the potatoes and peppers piled up in the open space in front of the door.

Interstellar politics. Although the accommodation provided by the government is very good and free, the space is limited after all. Seven adults and two children, one big and one young, wanted to go into the house to take a break, but found the living room full of stored potatoes, peppers and purple cabbage, making it difficult to find a place to stay.

He had to provide 10 potatoes a day as a reward for seven helpers, leave rations for himself and Sugar Candy, and most importantly, reserve seeds for the next planting.

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