15. Traitor

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You just rolled your eyes at her childishness and followed her knowing damn well that if someone is left alone, then they're gonna die. You both then heard screaming and you raced into the room it was coming from and you saw Chad getting attacked by ghostface. You and Sam went to go help Tara who was getting attacked next. You kick ghostface's back making him go flying towards Sam and she grabs him and Tara punches him across the face. Chad grabs the popcorn machine and as he was about to smash it at ghostface who was laying on the ground, another ghostface came running behind him and stabbed him in the back.

Your eyes widened and you started screaming and Tara started crying. "CHAD!!" She screamed. "Go.." he said as he was bleeding while suffocating from the Stab blows he was getting. You 3 ran out the room and back to the front of the shrine. You guys then saw Kirby. "Stay the fuck back!!" Sam told her. "No!! You have to trust me when I say to not believe anything he's been saying!!" She said meaning Wayne. "Stay away from those girls!!" You 3 turned around and saw Wayne coming in with a gun pointed at Kirby. "Did you kill my daughter?! Did you kill my Quinn?!" He yelled. "Jesus!!" She quickly shook her head.

He then shot Kirby making you 3 scream and startle. You guys then saw the 3 ghostfaces behind Wayne. "BEHIND YOU!!" Tara said. He then smirked. "Nice job, both of you" he said to them. Your eyes widened. "Shit.." you said. Then they both started taking off their masks one by one. The first one revealed...Ethan...?! Your eyes widened extremely wide and you froze. "I got your grandmother's mask, Nancy Loomis, really runs in the fucking family, doesn't it?" Ethan said. "And wait for it- my names not Ethan Landry! Is it, dad?" He smiled. "That's right" Wayne chuckled. "Mindy was right. It was easy to juke the roommate lottery. I mean, all I had to do to meet you is room with a conceited, condescending Alpha literally named Chad. FUCK, it felt good to kill him!!" He yelled.

You just looked at him as tears started streaming down your cheeks and you felt your heart break. What the fuck...? "okay, I totally understand the high fever that you have for him, but..Y/n, I'm telling you, he looks like the only person who'd want to slaughter anyone!" He then saw you and that's when his smile dropped. He totally forgot you were going to be here. "Shit" he whispered to himself. His eyes were shifting back and forth from his dad and to you. Sam looked at you as she felt horrible and Tara was just scared. He then walked up to you as his dad was lecturing Sam about her own life.

You quickly started backing away as you cried more. "Y/n, I-" "go fuck yourself..!" You said. His eyes widened a little, you've cussed at him before. "Please, I-...I did this for the sake of my family.." he said. "What fucking sake..?! A sake that you knew would make me hate you..?!" You said. He froze after you said that and it looked as if he was about to cry. "No, no, no..don't say that..y-you're joking..-" "you killed Anika. Didn't you?" You looked at him. He just stared at you not believing this. "Please...-" "I hate you" "but I love you...!" He said as he started crying. Your eyes widened again. "That's all I ever wanted was your attention all week and I've loved you for way too long, Y/n..and it fucking hurts..!" He cried.

Your heart just paused and you looked at him. "If you really loved me...then you wouldn't of did all of this.." you said. He just looked into your eyes while tears came rushing out of his. He then grabbed both of your hands and held them and you tried pulling away but he just held them. "For the past days..it wasn't so good. But you have been there and I couldn't of been any happier.." he said. "I can't love you.." you said. "Who cares, Y/n..!! I want you so fucking bad..! I don't wanna even ask for you, I just want you..!!" He said as he continued crying. You just looked at him.

"Please..." he pleaded. "I've wanted you since the very first day I saw you, Ethan.." you said. His eyes lit up a little and he tried leaning in to kiss you but you turned your head. "But you betrayed me. I hate you now" you said. "Don't do this to me...-" "leave it..!" You said as you snatched your hands out of his. He then grabbed your hand again and pulled you towards him. "You're not leaving me" he whispered coldly into your ear. You pushed him away from you and Quinn saw and she sliced your shoulder making you scream.

Ethan's eyes widened and Quinn pulled him away from you. Quinn just laughed. "You're Richie's family..?" Sam said as she turned to Wayne. "Yeah" your eyes widened more. What the fuck..? Your eyes shifted towards Ethan who looked at you angrily and he stabbed Sam making her scream. "I think she's finally starting to get it!" He said with an evil smile like he was trying to get to you. You backed away towards Tara and he headed towards you. He actually was. He grabbed you by the back of your hair making you gasp and he just chuckled.

He then started kissing your neck making your eyes widened. Sam's and Tara's eyes also widened. You accidentally sighed in pleasure when he hit the good spot and you grabbed his wrist and started clawing him with your fingernails making him let go and hiss in pain. "Stop..!" You said. He just shook his head in anger and grabbed both of your arms making you kick him in the balls and he fell to the ground grunting. Quinn tried to attack you again but Tara picked up a brick and threw it at her face. Wayne tried to shoot at you guys but he missed and you all started crouching down and ran over to the back room where the stairs were and ran up them.

Ethan Landry x Reader |Scream VI Fanfic|Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora