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POV: Tubbo

(Also I don't actually know that much about the Canon AU so don't judge for the things I've sort of made up lol)

I walk home slowly, thinking about everything. My life isn't so bad. I live with my husband and son in snowchester. Both of us have had alot of truama but thankfully we haven't had many, if any  relationship problems. I get home and open the door to find Ranboo not in the house. I wonder where he is. He's got to be safe right? He's safe.. he's gotta be. I start to worry a little more and pick up my son, micheal, up from his crib. Somehow, tears start to run down my cheeks as I bury my head into micheal. Micheal looks concerned and thats the last thing I want. He's okay. I give micheal a toy and curl in a ball to comfort myself. Tears are running down my cheeks quickly but I'm not sobbing at all. It just feels numb. I'm exhausted from all if the stress and fall asleep due to..well everything.

POV: Ranboo

I wake up from my enderwalk in front of l'manbergs blown up walls. I'm dizzy and my head hurts but it doesn't matter because it's late. I slowly slump towards snowchester in my home. Tubbo is probably home and worried by now. I randomly teleport to snowchester, which I do sometimes but into random locations. I continue to walk slowly because of how tired I am. When I finally get to our home, I open the door and find tubbo curled up in a ball, his coat wet with tears. I guess he was worried and stressed from the day. I grab a blanket and throw it on him. Micheal is playing with a toy and look up at me. "Da-da..?" He mumbles. I smile softly. "Hey Micheal..." I whisper to him. I walk up to him and pick him up. "Are you hungry..?" I ask him. He nods. I grab a bottle, and while he's technically old enough to eat some foods like applesauce, it's the quickest thing I can find. I smile as I give micheal the bottle and he drinks it. My mind immediately shoots straight to Tubbo. Is he okay? Should I wake him up? I don't think I should. I sit down next to him on the couch and start writing in my memory book.
"⌰⍜☌ 108: ⟒⋏⎅⟒⍀⍙⏃⌰☍ ⏃☌⏃⟟⋏.  ⋔⍜⌇⏁ ⌰⟟☍⟒⌰⊬ ⎅⎍⟒ ⏁⍜ ⌇⏁⍀⟒⌇⌇."
(Log 108: Enderwalk again. most likely due to stress.)

I sigh and put my memory book away. I pick Micheal up and put him in his crib. I lie down next to tubbo.

POV: Tubbo

I wake up and find ranboo asleep next to me. I don't think and immediately shake him to wake him up. "Huh..? Oh.. okay.. Are you okay..?" He asks immediately but sleepily. I nod. "I.. I missed you. Where were you yesterday?" I ask. "I..I was enderwalking again." He answers. "Oh really..? Why so?" I stammer. "I- I uh I mean If you actually know.." I say quickly realizing my mistake. He sighs. "No uh- it's fine. It..I think it was stress. Or..something.." He says, grabbing his arms. "You sure..?" I ask, still uneasy. He nods and swallows. I get up and take micheal out of his crib. "Hey buddy!" I say, still  trying to be quiet because he just woke up. He giggles a little and it makes me smile. I've got so much president shit to do. "Beloved, I'm going to be very busy today, okay?" I say to Ranboo. "Mhm..!" He hums in response. Though I can tell he's let down. "I'm really sorry dear.." I lift up my phone to check "I'll be busy for the rest of the week, but I'll schedule some time, okay?" I say to Ranboo. He nods and I put my phone down. "Luckily though, every day this week I'm working 9-5 so I'll be allowed to schedule breaks all next week." I say. "I'm going to be taking care if micheal al week? I mean, I obviously have no problem with that but I was just wodnering." Ranboo asks. "We can also check if Phil's busy and he can babysit micheal if you want a day for yourself this week." I answer back to him. "I just know that I'd like to spend today with him." Ranboo says. Alright. "Well what do you wanna do in the meantime?" I ask him, going to sit on the couch. "Let's just uh- watch a movie." Ranboo says, inching closer to me on the couch. "Alright sounds good. What time is it?" I ask. Ranboo checks his phone. "7:12" He says. "I have about an hour and then I need to head out, k?" Ranboo nods. We decide to put on a random movie and then about an hour later I have literally forgotten. "Hey Tubbo, you think you should go now?" Ranboo asks. "Hm? Oh yeah, I should probably go.." I don't want to leave him. I feel like I haven't spent enough time with him. He's been so alone recently and all of this definitely isn't helping. It's okay.. right? Well I have to work. Literally everyone is counting on me. In the whole country practically. I can't just leave nukes and shit all just unattended.. "bye.. " I call to Ranboo as I walk out the door.

POV: Ranboo

I watch as Tubbo leaves and I roll up my sleeves and wince. I look at the cuts on my wrists. It hurts to leave the sleeves on but tubbo would freak if he saw the cuts on my arms. It's been a while since I've cut. I really hope I can maintain this while tubbo is gone this week. I don't want to cut, but I do want to cut. It's really hard not to but I can't. I won't. Maybe I can just focus on micheal. It'll be okay. Okay... Right..?

1,000 words again bc I have OCD lol


Felt angsty when I started writing it and then enjoyed the storyline so :))

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