𝒗𝒊𝒊𝒊. CH8.

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¨. ༢ ͎۪۫ . ... ❜

Newt loved eyes.

Eyes were so beautiful.

But his eyes, they were fucking boring. Just a dark shade of brown.

For example, Sophie. Her eyes were emerald green! With a bit of bottom blue shade, that made her eyes ethereal.

Newt was in the small bathroom of his dorm and he was staring at the mirror.

Striking some fashionista postures.

He actually enjoyed cat walking more. Newt thought as he practised his catwalks.

Slowly walking around the room, swaying his hips and placing both hands on his hips.

He stopped again at the mirror and looked up at the shelf, underneath a stack of towels there was a white box.

Newt grabbed the box, standing on his tiptoes. He slowly opened the box and smiled.


The box was half empty but there was a pair of eyes and multiple fingers at the side.

The eyes belonged to Sophie.

Well, not anymore.

Newt closed the box, but when he was about to keep it back in it's place he felt something.

Something was crawling up his leg, around his hips, up his chest and it finally stopped when the thing was around his neck.

Newt stared at the mirror, he smiled when he saw the albino snake around his neck.

"Hello, Ethereal."

The snake hissed at the mirror.

"You hungry?" Newt asked. The snake looked at him, she blinked.

Newt brought out the box, opened it and took a finger out, he threw it at the floor.

The snake quickly slithered down Newt's body and headed for the finger.

Newt watched, smiling as Ethereal ate the finger, her fangs digging into the bone.

Newt also brought out the paper from the box. He had noted down his next victims.

Newt knew who his next victim was.

𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐏𝐈𝐄𝐂𝐄𝐒━━━newtmas.Where stories live. Discover now