Chapter 16

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School was back on and I was waiting for my dad to pick me up. I'm back on that route again.

After the incident at my house. They fixed the door and had extra security around my house. Cops driving by here and there. It was kinda annoying seeing bright lights here and there but it's just for safety...

I see my dad pull up and I walk out of my house. Making sure I lock the door before I go.

I get out of the cop car saying goodbye to my dad. I looked around until I saw my friends. I then remembered what Billy told me as I looked at them.

"Drop them, all of them. No more friends, boyfriends or girlfriends,

Just me."

If I wanted to keep my friends safe. I need to stay as far as possible away from them. I can't let them die like Damien did...

I look around the campus. Trying to find a new spot...


I hear my name from afar. I turn my head towards the noise and I see Matty waving her arms around. I turn my head away as I continue to walk.

Mattys POV

I frowned seeing (Y/n) walk away from us. I bring my arms back down looking over at the table. "What's wrong with (Y/n)?" I say as I look back at her walking further away from us. Tommy stands up. "I don't know. I'll go talk to her-"

"Just leave her alone."

I turn my head. Daisy looks at us annoyed. "Just leave it. She's probably got something better to do."

"Like what?" I asked. She only rolled her eyes. "I don't know but it has nothing to do with us."

Evan raises a brow. "You know something we don't know?" As Daisy was about to say something I saw Lui walking over to us. I smiled as I ran over to him. "Hey Lui!" I hugged him tightly. I heard him groan as he pulled me away from him. "Sorry bubbies but I'm a little sore today. My dad made me carry a bunch of crap for him the other day. Everything hurts." I frowned. "Oh no, wanna come over to my house after school and I can give you a massage?" He smiles and kisses me. " I'd love that bubbie." I smiled, grabbed his hand and walked back over to our friends. Tommy looked at us with a glare. "What happened?" I asked, looking at him. "Tell them what you told us Daisy." She sighed. "I'm not 100 percent right but I think she's avoiding us." I looked at her confused. "Why would she avoid us?"

"Well she told me a secret.

She's dating Billy."

My eyes widened. "What!?" She nodded her head. "Yeah she told me Billy forced her into the relationship or else he'll kill one of us. Honestly he's so stupid. He's taking advantage of her!" I agreed. "W-What are we gonna do?" I say, concerned for (Y/n).

"Nothing. We do nothing."

Lily says in a monotone voice. I shake my head. "We can't do that! (Y/n) needs help!"

She shrugged her shoulders. "Daisy said she's only doing this to protect us. So...let her do it."

Suzie nods her head. "I agree with Lily. She's doing this for us. I honestly don't want to die like-" Daisy puts her hand in front of Suzie's face. "Don't you dare finish that sentence." Suzie scoffed and got up. "I'm out of here. If you guys are gonna help (Y/n). Have fun dying." She walked away. Lui started to walk as well but I stopped him. "Lui?" He looks back at me. "I...uhm...kinda don't want to be involved either...come on bubbie I don't want you to get hurt." I glared at him. "But what about (Y/n)?! She's going to get hurt!"

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