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Attention, new readers! I'm sure you must be curious as to why I decided to blend these two distinct universes in a story. Allow me to explain. Growing up, Marvel films were an integral part of my childhood, and as I entered adulthood, I delved into the captivating world of the Nier games. While immersing myself in Nier: Replicant, I was particularly captivated by the dynamic between its characters and their witty exchanges. Interestingly, there exists another group of characters from a separate franchise who share a similar trait: The Avengers. Naturally, this sparked my imagination, leading me to embark on a fan fiction journey where the Avengers find themselves transported into the realm of Nier: Replicant. So now, without further ado...

"I have seen many timelines and universes come and go. But there is one particular timeline that always stands out to me: the one where the heroes known as The Avengers existed.

In this timeline, Earth was constantly threatened by various villains and aliens, but The Avengers always managed to save the day. They were a group of superheroes with incredible powers and skills, and they worked together to protect the world from harm.

But one day, something strange happened. As they were battling a powerful alien threat, a portal opened up and sucked them into another universe. This universe was vastly different from their own, and they soon realized that they were in the world of Nier Replicant Ver 1.22.

At first, they were confused and disoriented. The world they found themselves in was bleak and desolate, with ruins and monsters everywhere. But as they explored this new world, they discovered that there was a glimmer of hope: a young boy named Nier." 

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