|| book one of one ||
"i love you and i'm not gonna let him hurt you again!"
brooklynn was a kook who was in a very toxic relationship with none other than rafe cameron. she was completely brainwashed by the boy until a certain pogue came into the p...
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All the pogues stayed the night at John B's place which wasn't unusual. Brooklynn lay on the pullout couch with a sleeping Kiara, her arm draped over Brooklynn's waist. Brooklynn was awake on her pink iPhone 8+ scrolling on Instagram. She was in the same hot pink bikini top and jean shorts she was wearing the day before.
John B walked out of his room to the joint living room and kitchen.
"Morning, Brook."
"Morning, Johnny," Brooklynn said, not taking her eyes off her phone.
John B grabbed a bottle of beer from the fridge and headed outside for his morning walk. Usually, Brooklynn and Kiara would join him, but today they were too tired.
Brooklynn groaned then put her phone under her pillow and tried to fall asleep again despite how bright it was.
It was later in the day, 21:00-ish. The pogues' day hadn't been too exciting so far. They had all slept in and had a late start to their day. John B had to meet with his social worker, and Kiara had to go run a shift at the wreck with Brooklynn and JJ accompanying her for some breakfast.
Rafe hadn't called Brooklynn at all that day. He usually called her at least three times a day when they weren't hanging out. Something was definitely going on with him.
John B, Pope and Brooklynn were about to surf the surge. There was a huge hurricane coming in and it was already raining pretty heavily.
"Those aren't surfable waves, bro," Pope said looking out at the water.
"Yeah, John B. I don't think this is very safe!" Brooklynn yelled over the rain as the wind started to pick up.
"Says who?" John B shouted, laughing and sticking his tongue out.
Then, of course, John B ran out into the water with Brooklynn and Pope following close behind. Brooklynn held her pink surfboard with white flowers tightly under her arm.
Once they were out in the water, the waves were too high and it was impossible to catch a wave. Everyone was struggling. It was still pretty fun though. Brooklynn laughed every time she saw one of the boys wipe out.
Brooklynn yelled out, crashing into the water. She had been brave enough to try to stand up but was immediately knocked off her surfboard.
Pope burst into laughter at the girl in the water while John B was looking off into the waves and yelling something about a boat, but Brooklynn and Pope couldn't quite make it out considering how far out John B was compared to them.
After a few more tries, they all decided to pack it in and head home. The Twinkie almost got veered off the road multiple times during the drive back. John B dropped Pope off at his house but didn't dare to drive across town to Figure 8. So Brooklynn was forced to stay the night at the Chateau again (not that she was complaining).