Chapter 3

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I woke up the next morning and his hand was gently placed onto my back. The warm feeling of being around him was overwhelming. We weren't even together yet it seemed like we were. I sit up and rub my eyes. Was this not all a dream that I had over fanticized. I mean it could be because he looked so perfect and I had never seen anyone as perfect as him. Just the way his eyes glistened in the moonlight and his hair blew perfectly in the wind. I pinched myself multiple times. Nothing.. It was real. I scramble to my feet. I was in long shorts and a basketball jersey. These weren't mine, I thought to myself. I didn't even remember what had happened the night before. Well what I did remember was a blur. As I was picking up my things as quickly as possible I felt like I was going to be sick. I could feel it coming up. My stomach churned for minutes until I couldn't hold it in any longer. As my things fell onto the floor with a loud thud Tony jumped to his feet "who's there" he says but cuts himself off as he sees me running towards his bathroom with my mouth covered by my palms. 

He follows right behind me. "Are you ok??!!" he says brushing his hair out of his face. I let it all out into the toilet bowl. Flipping my hair to look at him. "Do I LOOK ok??" I say, raising my eyebrows at him before immediately spinning back around to spew into the bowl again. "I'll uh get you some medication" he says as he runs straight to the kitchen as quickly as possible. He stumbles down the hallway back to the toilet. Where I hang my head. He holds a bunch of capsules perfectly placed in small particles. Covered in aluminium foil over the top. He pops one out "here, it's antiemetics should hopefully prevent and treat vomiting and nausea." he says shoving it into my mouth. I swallow hard before glaring at him. "WHAT WAS THAT FOR?" I say coughing as the pill goes down my throat. "You don't want to be vomiting all day do you? You should be thanking me" he says with a smirk. I mockingly send one back and he chuckles. "I will go prepare you some stuff" he says, dragging his arm across the wall back into the kitchen. I quickly pick up my things and march towards the door. Just as I turn the handle and step a single foot onto the cold, snowy pavement outside.' Zoe??" Tony says placing two or three plates down on the coffee table a few feet behind me. "W-Where are you going?" he murmurs. I felt bad- How could I just get up and leave like that. "Why do you even want me here? I'm a freak, an emo. A "MURDERER" for cryin out loud" I say, stepping towards him. He takes a step back. The fear in his eyes haunts me.. "I knew it.. You are just like everyone else. You don't want me do you..?" I say, tears itching behind my eyes as I bite my lip slightly out of sadness and betrayal.

 "No Zoe I really do." he says. I couldn't take it anymore. The tears were coming up. My first instinct was to just drop my things and run.. So that's what I did. Tears started to fall as I dropped all my things and headed straight for the woods. "Zoe wait!!" he says as I can hear him chuck on a top and sprint as fast as he can, after me. The cold snow stung my feet as they hit the floor one by one as I ran towards the woods. I was fast, but I wasnt fast enough. Tony grabs me by the arms and spins me around "Zoe, what are you doing. You won't last a day in this snow!! And I do want you MORE THAN ANYTHING" he says as he shakes me vigorously with each word. Small tears formed at his waterline. I had never seen a man or a boy cry. Besides the kid who would sit in the corner of my old classroom and cry to himself daily. But that wasnt the point. I hadn't really seen a boy cry and he was the first. 

I stared deep into his eyes. You could see his throat move around as he swallowed hard and looked at me with pleading eyes. As the mellow tears fell down my eyes and the bitterly cold snow urticated at my feet and I nodded and fell into his arms as the blistering snow fell harder. The last thing I remember is Tony picking me up and seeing his worried face talk to me. "Zoe zoe stay with me ZOE '' he yells but it's too late. The heaviness of my eyelids overwhelmed me and I gave in to the darkness of my heavy eyelids that had overcome me. I inched my eyes open slowly and looked up above me. There was a roof over my head. I couldn't be back home could I? I heard my fathers voice coming towards me and I promptly sat up. I was on a light brown silky couch. I looked around for my father and thank god he wasnt. I was back at Tony's house. My head started to rush with ache as Tony walked and sat next to me. "Oh you're awake" he says, taking a great sigh of relief. I hold my hands up to my head as I struggle to sit myself up. "What happened?" I say with the spinning and pain just getting worse as time goes on. "Well you were so drained the other day and you passed out and I carried you back to my house because you were FREEZING" he says. My eyes widened at his murmured words "THE OTHER DAY?? HOW LONG WAS I OUT" I ask looking down at my purplish coloured hands. 

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