chapter one: debut

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"Our mission this summer is to have a good time, all the time

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"Our mission this summer is to have a good time, all the time."


"That's what, a three-story fall from the deck? I'd give you about a one-in-three chance of survival." Pope said casually, interrupting Brooklynn from her thoughts.

She stopped fidgeting with her many colourful bracelets to look up at John B (whom Pope was referring to). He was standing at the roof's edge with one foot dangling off, a giddy grin plastered on his face.

The pogues had all broken into some random kook's house. It was in the process of getting a renovation. Thankfully there was nobody home so it was a perfect time. It was a pretty nice house, to be completely honest.

Pope was toying with one of the nail guns the construction workers had left behind. Kiara was inside the house exploring. Brooklyn and JJ sat next to each other on a small scaffolding. JJ had an arm resting on the bar behind him, while Brooklynn was laying down with her arms behind her head, trying to get a tan. Every one of them had a beer in their hand except for Brooklynn, who had never been a fan of alcohol.

John B sipped his beer before saying, "Should I do it?" 

"Oh, yeah. You should jump, I'll shoot you on the way down," Pope said aiming the nail gun at John B.

"You're gonna shoot me?" John B said, aiming a finger gun at Pope and making a "pew" sound to imitate shooting him.


"They're gonna have Japanese toilets with towel warmers," Kiara commented, making her way onto the balcony with the rest of the crew.

"Careful, Kie," Brooklynn spoke, motioning to the ladder laying on its side in front of Kiara. 

Kiara gave her a grateful nod and carefully stepped over the ladder, "This used to be a turtle habitat, but who cares about the turtles, I guess?" she looked up at John B squinting her eyes attempting to not be blinded by the sun "Can you please not kill yourself?"

JJ looked up to see John B even closer to the edge, "Don't spill that beer, man. I'm not getting you another one."

The second JJ said that, John B tripped and dropped the beer can off the side of the roof. He groaned and let a few curse words slip out.

"Of course, you did. Like right when I said it!"

Pope leaned over the balcony fence and told everyone that security was here, "Let's wrap it up, guys."

"Boys are early today," John B said, sliding down from the roof onto the scaffolding that Brooklynn and JJ sat on.

"Jeez, JB," Brooklynn said, sitting up after John B almost landed on her.

The three teens jumped off of the scaffolding and made a few jokes to each other before running out of the house.

They went towards the back door since the main door was now blocked, meaning they'd have to jump the fence. Brooklynn was the last to jump the fence behind JJ and Pope. 

John B and Kiara were way ahead of the group and already had the Twinkie running. They all jumped into the back of the van and started to drive off, JJ insisting they go slowly so he could taunt the large security guard.

"Check out Gary, gunnin' for a raise!" Pope said, watching the security guard keep up rather well with the moving vehicle. 

"Come on, Gary! You got this!" Brooklynn shouted, earning a loud laugh from Pope behind her. 

The security guard was starting to lose his speed, JJ yelling for John B to slow down. 

"Guys, stop. You're gonna give him a heart attack." Kiara said, scolding the group of teens.

JJ leaned out of the van and threw his empty beer can at the security guard, "They don't pay you enough, bro!"


Brooklynn was pretty lucky from most people's perspectives. She wasn't necessarily a kook or a pogue. Her mom lives in the Cut while her dad lives in Figure 8 with his new hot girlfriend. Her parents had Brooklynn when they graduated high school. Then they had her brother, Adrien. Afterwards, they split ways. It was a no-brainer. Neither of them was ready to start a life together.

Brooklynn was almost always out in the water. She loved the ocean. When she was swimming, she'd usually collect shells for the bracelets she made. Said bracelets were scattered all over her room because she had no more space to put them. When she wasn't making bracelets, she was reading or hanging out with her friends. The pogues. Or sometimes the kooks, but not voluntarily.

JJ, John B and Brooklynn had been best friends since the third grade. The three of them had a special bond ever since then. 

John B and Brooklynn were basically siblings. The duo had way too many inside jokes. They gave each other silly nicknames and knew almost everything about each other. 

JJ was a total daredevil, that's one of Brooklynn's favourite things about him. He'd do the stupidest shit but still make it look hot. He was also extremely loyal to his friends. Brooklynn was convinced that JJ would take a bullet for any one of the pogues. 

Kiara was a good friend of Brooklynn's. Brooklynn didn't completely trust her for some reason, but they were still great friends. 

Pope was also a good friend of Brooklynn's. He was the sweetest guy ever and was also extremely smart. They always had each other's backs.

And then the kooks.

Rafe Cameron, Brooklynn's boyfriend, used to be the nicest guy ever. Super protective. Now he was sort of the opposite. When they got together in middle school, Rafe promised to keep her safe and that nobody would hurt her. Now he was the one hurting her. Mentally and physically. 

Rafe's best friend, Topper Thornton, was an okay guy. He treated his girlfriend well and Brooklynn didn't have any problems with him.

Sarah Cameron, Rafe's sister, was one of the only kooks that weren't lying asshats. She didn't really seem like a kook at all, actually. Sarah was loyal like JJ and she wouldn't back down from a fight. If Sarah Cameron had a problem with you, she wouldn't be embarrassed to speak her mind.

The Camerons and The Clementines were very close. Brooklynn's dad, Mark, and Sarah and Rafe's dad, Ward worked together and were both loaded. Their families were kook royalty.

Brooklynn's mom, Ariella, wasn't the best person in the world but she had always tried her best to give Brooklynn the childhood she deserved. 

But Brooklynn wasn't an only child like most of her friends. She had a brother. Adrien loved to cook and go camping. He was Brooklynn's best friend. 

He went missing about 7 years ago. Nobody knew what happened, they just assumed he was dead considering he was so young.


hii! what do you guys think about the first chapter :))

-destany <3

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