chapter one first day at ua

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Zella's pov






i hit my alarm clock i looked at my phone " oh no am going to be late " i though getting up and getting dressed i put on my bunny backpack, hat, before putting my unform i put on my bagie  shirt, and grabbed my phone and put it in my backpack and ghost teleport  to school

when she got to class 1 - A 

i entered class and saw my sister had her feet on the desk, " bakugo get you feet off the desk !"  i took a set While Amato   was lecturing her i set behind ramye until the teacher walked in " hello everyone my name is Aizawa and im your teacher now say you name and quirk ( after everyone went ) hi my name is Zella bakugo and my quirk is ghostly moon. After class i went to explore and ran into ramye " Ramye!"

Ramye's pov

" Ramye!" I flinted at that loud Nosie " whoops sorry Ramye" Zella said apologizing " its ok  kirishima " i said " hey call me Akato or Zella Ramye" she said ( Yes i know akato means red in Japanese but this is my story ) " right sorry " "  students pls report to training ground again report to training grounds" welp we got to go"

the great beginning of their adventureKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat