An Unexpected Encounter

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Olivia Rodrigo arrived at the awards ceremony with a mix of excitement and nervousness. It was her first major award show as a solo artist, and she was eager to experience that moment. As she walked down the red carpet, she spotted Harry Styles accompanied by his girlfriend, Camila Cabello. A slight discomfort ran through Olivia's body as she noticed the presence of the couple, but she maintained her composure and continued on her way.

During the ceremony, Olivia couldn't help but notice Harry and Camila among the other artists. Their gazes briefly met, but nothing more happened. Olivia felt a twinge of curiosity, but she also respected Harry's relationship and chose not to give importance to the feelings that arose within her.

After the awards show ended, Ariana Grande, one of the attending artists, invited everyone to a party. Olivia, Harry, and Camila also received the invitation and decided to attend.

The party was lively, with loud music and people dancing everywhere. Olivia found herself in a corner, observing the movement around her when Ariana approached.

"Hey, Olivia! So glad you came. Are you having fun?" Ariana asked with a smile.

Olivia returned the smile and replied, "Yes, it's great here. Thanks for the invitation, Ariana."

At that moment, Camila and Harry approached the group. Olivia felt her heart race at seeing them so close.

"Ariana, thanks for inviting us. The party is amazing," said Harry, looking around.

Camila glanced quickly at Olivia, her expression seeming suspicious. Olivia wondered if there was some misunderstanding between them.

Ariana noticed the tension and decided to intervene, saying, "Let's enjoy the night and have fun together, guys. It's not the time for worries."

As the party continued, Olivia and Harry exchanged glances at some moments, but Camila's presence still lingered between them. However, an unexpected opportunity arose when Harry approached Olivia.

"Olivia, can I talk to you for a moment?" he asked, his tone of voice showing a mixture of nervousness and determination.

Olivia nodded, feeling curious about what he wanted to discuss.

"I was thinking... Camila and I are working on a musical project together, and I believe your voice and talent could add a lot to it. I'd like to invite you to collaborate with us. What do you think?" Harry proposed, looking directly into Olivia's eyes.

Camila looked hesitantly between Harry and Olivia, clearly uncertain about the idea. However, after a brief moment, she reluctantly agreed with a forced smile.

"Sure, why not?" Camila responded, trying to hide her displeasure.

Olivia was surprised by the invitation but also intrigued. She didn't expect Harry and Camila to invite her for a collaboration, especially considering the tension between them. However, the opportunity to work with talented artists like them was tempting.

"I would love to collaborate with both of you. It sounds like a great opportunity," Olivia replied, trying to maintain her composure.

Harry smiled, seeming pleased with Olivia's response. As they talked about project details, Camila remained somewhat distant, displaying her reluctance.

Despite the subtle tension among the three of them, they agreed to meet later to discuss further about the musical collaboration. Olivia felt excited and anxious to see how this experience would unfold, even with Camila's uncomfortable presence.

As the party continued around them, Olivia and Harry held a certain level of enthusiasm for the opportunity to work together. However, the uncertainty and challenge of collaborating with Camila added an unexpected complexity to the situation.

As the night progressed, Olivia knew that this collaboration could mean a new phase in her music career. She was willing to overcome any obstacles to create something incredible with Harry and Camila, even if their relationship was somewhat tumultuous.

And so, they bid farewell to the party, each with different thoughts about what the future held for this unexpected collaboration. Olivia's journey was about to take a turn she could never have imagined, filled with challenges, unforeseen encounters, and the promise of a song capable of uniting their voices in a unique way.

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