"Four pieces, they're broken and
need to be mended, but mending
a broken piece is almost impossible."
THE RULES ARE SIMPLE. Kill fifty people, get one million pounds. But is it that easy? No, obviously. The kills need to be immaculate, evidence mu...
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Minho walked towards the hotel's balcony. The night sky was one of his favourite scenery.
It was so beautiful, dark blue water waves sometimes mixed with yellow stripes and the amazing stars.
It occured to him that he wasn't alone and when he looked around he realized he wasn't.
Far from him, possibly at the other side of the balcony, a figure stood there, gazing up at the sky.
Now, Minho thought that was his sleep paralysis. He had not seen it ever since he was ten.
But when Minho moved closer to the figure, he realized that was his friend.
"Hey, Thomas." Minho reached where Thomas was and copied the boy's posture, leaning over the barrier of the balcony.
Thomas stopped looking at the sky and looked at Minho, "hey." He shortly said.
"I thought everyone was asleep." Minho spoke up when Thomas went back to his daydreaming.
"Nah, I have somniphobia."
"Which is..?"
"Fear or hatred of sleep." Thomas replied, "I just fear the time I sleep and never wake up, which is ironic since I want that to happen."
"Seems like you wanna end your life."
"You think so?' Thomas replied, sarcastically.
Thomas pointed at the north star, "look at it," a small smile lingered on his lips, "stars can be bigger and brighter than others, but when the day comes back they disappear."
Minho nodded.
"Just like us, no matter how much social equality protests everyone does, they will always be a division. But at the end of the day, we're all humans, we'll die."
"You're such a motivational speaker." Minho said, sarcastically.
Thomas kept looking at the stars.
"Have you ever thought about this before?" Minho asked.
"About killing yourself."
"A lot." Thomas turned from the railing and lifted up his long sleeved shirt, there was a huge knife cut in the middle of his chest, it looked to be healing.