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(Wow's Pov)

Watching Justin leave the room in a slight rush saying he's going to get us waters I take a slight breath trying to calm my wolf at the slightly sweet scent he left behind. Theo suddenly skips over to me with a frown. "Wow he doesn't know where to go you should follow him and show him." Realizing he's right I nod assuring the others that I'll be right back. I then leave the room and start following Justin's scent I immediately becoming confused when it leads me on the other side of the building where the janitors usually keep supplies. Just as I turn the corner Justin slams into me I immediately wrapping my arms around him he starting to squirm and panic I gently but firmly holding onto him with a frown. "Justin it's me! Hey it's me calm down!" He seems to slowly calm and relax before burying his face in my chest with a whimper his hands clutching onto my shirt desperately. It's then that I smell the scent of alpha and burnt sage. My nose wrinkles and a slight growl leaves me it making Justin whimper and start babbling. "I'm sorry alpha. He tricked me into believing he was taking me to get the waters and he locked me in a broom closet and t... tried to...." He immediately breaks down and I hug him tightly against my chest saying in a reassuring voice pushing my wolf down. "Shh it's okay it's not your fault." He sniffles and looks up at me pitifully I asking in a gentle but gruff voice. "Where is he?" He shakily points down the hall I nodding and gently push him towards the elevator. "Go back to the practice room and send Jun and Donghun to me." He gives a shaky nod and a soft "okay." I give him an encouraging smile and I watch as he enters the elevator. Once the doors close my wolf immediately takes control and I angrily follow the alphas scent to a broom closet. I open the door and am greeted with the sight of an older alpha curled up in the floor groaning in pain he clutching at his face. I growl and move closer kicking the alpha so he's on his back he seeming to freeze I able to see his eyes are chemically burned and I can't help but feel a wave of pride knowing my mate did this. I let out a little chuckle and kneel down grabbing ahold of the alpha's shirt roughly yanking him towards me I snarling at him. "You tried to hurt my mate. I'll give you one chance to give a good explanation or I'll do worse than blind you." He seems to whimper and blurts out apologies. "I'm sorry! I didn't know he was spoken for and he smelled way to good!" I growl and slam his back against the floor. "You shouldn't touch omegas period if they don't want you to even if they're spoken for or not." He whimpers again apologizing I about to punch him when I suddenly feel myself being yanked off of him I squirming with a growl. "Wow snap out of it! You can't just attack someone in a broom closet." I give Jun a slight look. "How would you feel if an alpha tried to intentionally kidnap Theo and rape him?" His eyes widen slightly Donghun also looking a little horrified Jun quickly schooling his expression. "Well let the police take care of him your mate is upset and needs you upstairs." I calm a little and nod watching as the security guards show up I pointing out the man in the closet then I follow Jun and Donghun to the elevator once they take the alpha away.

Chasing love (a Wow/Kim Sehyoon x male reader story) जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें