chapter 1

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*Dan's POV*

I woke up from what I wish was a peaceful sleep. Today was my very first day of high school and to say I was dreading the day I walked into the school was an understatement.

I wasn't like most people.

Even though I am a guy, I enjoy dressing in more of a girlish style. I like wearing pink, I like wearing girl shirts, and I especially enjoy my flower crowns.

Some people may say I'm deluded but trust me, I am fully aware that I am a guy. I'm not transgender, I just enjoy wearing girls clothing. It makes me happy, but some people just don't want to see others happy.

Oh and yea, I'm gay.

I awoke to the sound of a quite annoying, loud, alarm clock on my night side table.

"Urrrggggg" I moan as I tap my phone trying to hit snooze while using my other hand to put a pillow over my face.

Once I'm aware I actually have to get up I take the pillow away from my face and rub my eyes. I slowly take the warm covers away from my body and get up to go into the bathroom. I grab a headband to push my hair away so I can splash water on my face, then I brush my teeth and head back into my room. I plug in my straightener and begin to pick out an outfit while it heats up. I decided on some dark blue skinny jeans, a light pink sweater with my light pink converse and of course, my pink flower crown. Once my straighter has heated up I use that to tame my hair, then put on my outfit.

I take a look in my full length body mirror then grab my backpack to head downstairs.

"Hello Daniel" my mum says.

"Hi mum"

"I'm making some pancakes, why don't you get some orange juice out" she smiles over at me.

I return the smile and walk over to the refrigerator to grab the orange juice.

My mum has always supported my decisions and loves me for who I am, my dad was a little different. As always he wanted a son who would be athletic and love sports, but I'm not like that. He doesn't hate me or anything, he just tells me he's "concerned." Whatever that means.

I grab out a cup and pour some orange juice in it while my mum puts a plate of pancakes on the table. I eat one and drink my orange juice pretty quickly, then stand up.

"Are you gonna walk to school, hun?" My mum asks

"Could you drive me today?" I ask back

"Of course"

As always the conversation in the car on the first days of the school years are the same. The usual "are you nervous? Excited? Scared?" Etc. and I always said the same thing.

"I'm just a little nervous"

And it was true for those past years of middle school, but high school. It wasn't like this.

I was terrified.

But I still said "I'm just a little nervous" which was a complete lie.

We pulled up to the school and I quickly kissed my mums cheek, unbuckling my seat belt.

"See you after school, dear" she says

"Bye mum. Love you" I say back and hop out of the car.

I walk up to the school and look at it. It was huge. I was so scared. Terrible thoughts raced through my mind saying "what if I get lost? What if I get beat up? What if I have to eat lunch in the bathroom? What if I had no friends in any of my classes?"

Well I only had two friends, Lily and Michael. And they were great friends who loved and supported me with my decisions.

I walked into the building and there were loads of people in the hallway.

"Hey Dan!" I hear a familiar voice call.

It was lily. Thank god. I walked up to her and Michael was there too.

"Hey guys" I say

"Hey" "hi" they reply.

I stand next to them leaning up against the wall scared to death. I wouldn't be surprised if my hands were shaking and my face looked completely drained. I started thinking about the terrible things that could possibly happen but then I was interrupted.

"You okay Dan?" Michael asked

"Actually no. I'm not. I'm terrified" I say.

"Dan it's okay. I promise nothing bad will happen. Just keep your head up." Lily says.

"Thanks guys" I say and smile.

But I was still frightened.

The bell rang and that means we have to go to our first classes. I said goodbye to Michael and lily then walked away to find my locker. I finally found it. Locker C886. I had a little trouble with my lock then eventually got into my locker and grabbed whatever books I needed then rushed to class, scared I'd be late. I couldn't even find my class. I was so lost.

"Come on Dan, you idiot" I murmured to myself walking up and down the hallways.

I sighed and stopped, just standing there in the middle of the hallway. I saw just a few people in the hallway and was scared out of my mind. I finally walked up to someone who was facing his back towards me. All I could see was just a head of ebony black hair with too many tattoos on his arm with 3 other people.

"Excuse me. Could you help me find Mrs.Hugo's classroom?" I ask him.

"Get lost, kid." A guy next to him says and the other 2 laugh.

The four begin to walk away but then the guy with a lot of tattoos turns around and walks toward me.

He stand in front of me and I can't help but look at his eyes, they're really blue and you could probably get lost in them, anyone could.

"Go straight ahead, make a left, first classroom on the right" he says and begins to walk the opposite way.

"Thank you" I call out, but I doubt he heard.

I follow his directions and I am in fact at Mrs.Hugo's classroom. I walk in late and quickly take a seat in the very back.

Thank god for that guy with ebony black hair, crystal blue eyes, and too many tattoos or I would have never made it here at all. I wasn't lost anymore.


Hi everyone!
This is my first phanfiction and I really hope you like it! Please like and vote! :) thanks a lot.
xoxo. em.

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