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The last player had put on their skates.
It was time for the game to begin.

Game start!

In a flash the lights of the large rink shut off, only to be replaced with previously hidden uv lights and spinning neon flashes.
From no where in particular music began blaring, the base pulsing to the point where the music's vibrations were felt through the floor.

Chishiya rolled his eyes.
Of course the game couldn't just be to avoid the animals and retrieve the flags. Of course there had to be trashy music loud enough to feel in your bones and disco balls reflecting light into his eyes.
Niragi on the other hand seemed to be loving the atmosphere. And to be fair as the blonde observed his ally it would be a lie to say he didn't seem in his element beneath the flashing lights and pulsing music, a light sheen of sweat sparkling across his skin under the lights.

'weird. Ok just Pull yourself together, just finish the game, go back to the beach and never talk to Niragi again!'

Chishiya grimaced. The sooner this is over the better.
"You ready?"
Niragi looked over at the blonde, a fierce smile that seemed more of a baring of teeth then a grin on his face.

The man licked his teeth, a blood lust in his eyes and Chishiyas mind suddenly went a bit fuzzy as the other man's tongue piercing caught the neon lights above them.
He shook himself.
'What was that Chishiya? You need to stay focused.' The blonde snapped at himself.

Still weirded out, Chishiya offered the slightly taller man his hand.
Niragi gave him a disgusted look.
Rolling his eyes he explained.
"Can we get this over with? Please?"

His eyes glinting dangerously beneath the black light Niragis face split into a cocky smile.
"Am I dreaming, or did the high and fucking mighty Chishiya just say please? I might even say that qualifies as begging!"

Chishiya narrowed his eyes in response.
"Niragi, that would imply that you dream about me. And what's more then that- you dream about me begging. Interesting isn't it?"

The blondes before exasperated expression, soon twisted into his usual smirk.
Niragi on the other hand seemed ready to beat Chishiya into a pulp.
"Fuck you, Chishiya."

The slightly shorter man's smile grew at the sentence.
"What an interesting way to put it. Do you often think of doing that?"

Seething, Niragi ground his teeth and grabbed Chishiyas hand, crushing it in his grip.
Ignoring the pain, Chishiya kept his face smug as he pushed off with his skates.
As expected, Niragi almost immediately fell and caught himself barely in time.
'That's a shame' Chishiya thought as the pierced man righted himself.

Slowly, with occasional instruction from Chishiya the two began to make their way across the rink.
Niragi was in the middle of complaining about them being so far behind the others when a shriek rang out across the dim rink.
Both men looked up quickly and saw that almost twenty feet in front of them the girl Chishiya had previously recognized from beach's bar being attacked.

She had been tackled to the floor of the rink by a large gorilla.
'The first victim then.' Chishiya noted.
As the men watched the gorilla bash her skull against the floor crudely again and again they wore different expressions.
Chishiya was still maintaining his passive look of disinterest, but when he looked across to Niragi, he felt slightly sick.
Niragi was grinning ear to ear in sick satisfaction as he watched the girls blood pool around her crushed skull. When he caught sight of Chishiya, he laughed, his tongue lolling out at the other man's carefully hidden distaste.

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