7. The Fight

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This chapter is dedicated to _applekid_ .I hope I didn't disappoint you darling. And thank you for your kind reviews.

After mustering enough courage she put her trembling hand on his shoulder and asked "Ryan what happened?  Why are you behaving like that? Does something happened"?

And he laughed and laughed which left her trembling.  It wasn't the same laugh he isn't my Ryan. And what he said next broke her heart. She never thought a day would come where he accuse her like that. 

"What were you doing with that man? Who was he to you to make you laugh like that ? Whom did you got ready for?  Haaan didn't you think about me that you have a husband at home.  Or I lack something which he have. 

"What do you want to say? " she asked in her broken voice she isn't believing him. It is a nightmare. Her Ryan can't say something like that. He can't hurt her like that.  But his next words broke every hope left inside her and filled her with rage for disrespecting her for doubting on her character. For questioning her loyalty to him.

She can take anything but he shouldn't go to her character. She did everything her mother taught her she should do as a wife.

"Oh so now we are playing innocent. That's what you are doing to me all along. You are a chatterbox aren't you then why didn't you tell me about him?Stop  your drama.  You were laughing with someone who isn't me how can you be so shameless.

"Stop". She tried protesting in her small voice.
But can she?  Her husband is far gone in the pit of misunderstanding That he didn't stop to listen what she had to say.

"How can you talk to some other man who used to like you ". At this her head snapped up. She can't believe him. She never knew anything about that. Her lips were sealed after hearing something she never expected.

She never knew Hammad was interested in her. But how did her husband knew? "How do you know? I m- mean h-how. Ha ham Hammad but..." she stuttered. She can't completely her sentence. She can't believe it and here her husband is accusing her for something she didn't have any idea about.
How can he question her character. She was the one trying more than him in this relationship. She tried one more time to make him understand.
When she lift her gaze and told him "Ryan I didn't knew about it".
But was he ready to listen. No. Diya's words are repeating inside his mind.

"Are you sure your wife loves you the same way you love her. Or she is also using you just like I did all those years back. After all who will fall for a dumb man like you "

"You are just like her. You are doing the same thing what she did. I was starting to fall in love with you. How can you do something like this to me. she did the same thing. I can't let you have your way with me like her.Now let me tell you what this husband of yours can do". His tone held vulnerability which changed into malice with his last sentence.

By saying that he snake his hands around her waist and pulled her flushed against his chest and leaning towards her neck and started sucking on her skin. She didn't get to react at first. when she come back to her senses and her brain registered what is happening she pushed him and slapped him with all her power.

That was the wake up call for her husband. When he saw her state. Oh what did he do. Her makeup smudge by continues crying, hair messy uneven breatheing and her neck is telling a tale of his animosity. She looked broken. And he is the one to broke the woman he claimed to love  few seconds ago.

He didn't wanted to hurt her. It was not his intentions. But he was so deep into it. He didn't get to understand the damage his actions can cause. 

"Get out" it was a whisper. He tried to move closer to her and she flinched. And this break his heart. He didn't knew his anger can damage so much. When he tried to come closer again she screamed  "GET OUT JUST GET OUT I don't want to see your face. Just leave me alone".

"I m sorry" it was a whisper and then he ran and ran until he bump in his brother. His family just entered they wese watching him with worry. How is he gonna face them all.  And he ran ignoring all the voices of his family.

He doesn't know where was he going at this hour. His mind is a mess.  He can't think of anything. The face of his beautiful wife all broken and crying is kept coming back in front of his eyes. It haunting.he should have listened to her but he never give her a chance. By her expression after his confrontation he can clearly say that she didn't knew any of this. And because of his insecurities he blamed her for something she never did.

His past was always messed up and it messed up with his future as well.

We can't run away from our past but we can definitely learn from that.

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