Chapter 22: Claude's Dangerous Beast.

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They all heard. But they couldn't see him. It was too dark.

Claude: My mother, she told me....I had such a beautiful smile. When I was still accepted by her. My father, he told smile is a sign of weakness. My sister told smile is dangerous. I did not know which was true. But you know what I liked the most? When my sister told me, that my smile was dangerous. Ever since then, I will only smile, when I am in a dangerous situation. A

He laughed.

Claude: Some say, I am bad. Some say I am scary. Some say, I am dangerous. But they missed one more thing I like being called. I am...crazy!

They heard Peter yelp and they heard a loud thud.

David: Peter! Where are you? Are you okay?

Peter: Argh! Damn! He scratched me!

Raphael: Damn you Claude! Do not hurt any of my brothers!

He yelled but he felt a hand grab his neck and throw him somewhere and he landed on a hard table. The table breaking into pieces. He grunted but he screamed in pain when he felt something sharp stab his shoulder.

David: Someone open the damn curtains!

Jackson opened the curtains. The moonlight shining bright.

Claude: It is beautiful isn't it?

He gasped and turned around but there no one behind him.

Claude: Behind you.

He whispered. Jackson turned around but there's no one there.

Claude: You should have thought twice before challenging me.

He said and slashed Jackson's back making him yelp in pain. Jackson turned around and Claude kicked him in the face and kicked his stomach. Jackson fell on the ground. Groaning in pain.

Claude: Tell your Alpha not to touch my Aubrey. Or you all will suffer my wrath.

He walked towards Aubrey and removed the blanket and carried her.

Claude: Until next time, packs.

He said and walked towards the balcony and he jumped. They heard the door open, revealing Brian.

Brian: Where is he?

Raphael: He took the girl. He is stronger than we expected.

He said and slowly removed the katana on his shoulder. Hissing at the procedure.

Brian: There are four of you and yet you failed to defeat him? Ugh fucking idiots!

He shouted angrily. Eyes glowing gold and releasing scent of distress and strong scent of intimidation and dominance. They whimpered and lowered their heads.

Brian: You have failed me! You have disappointed me! Pathetic!

He insulted.

Peter: He was too strong Alpha, we could not handle such power.

Brian looked at him and slowly approached him. Peter kept his head lowered. Brian clenched his jaw.

Brian: If he is strong, we are stronger. Do not let him think...otherwise!

He slapped Peter harshly. Peter whimpered in pain. He also tasted blood on his lips. He kept his head lowered.

Brian: We are better than him! We are better than Claude! We are a pack and he is just a one demon! We can defeat him! If you would only do better!

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