So technically, Maya had two free passes into the office.

Baek-Hyun smirked, he reached into his drawer pulling out three tickets and three visitor ID.

"What is that?" Eun-ji asked, this got Maya's attention who eagerly looked up at the object Baek-Hyun held.

"This," Baek-Hyun looked at Maya, "will be yours if you agree with whatever I say right now."

Maya squinted her eyes at him, she couldn't see the tickets nor figure out which event they were for, but it was important enough for Baek-Hyun to have three on him, he usually had only one for himself.

"What's the catch?" She asked.

Baek-Hyun shrugged, "yes or no?"

This was heavy waters she was trading, either it was to a boring opera or an exciting premiere, she didn't know, so she went with her impulse.

"Yes," Maya replied.

"You'll go home-"

Maya whined.

"Get your project done, get your therapy session in,"

Maya whined but nodded.

"And accompany me to the premier of Spiderman: Into the Spider-verse."

Maya's eyes bulged out, premier of Spider-Man: Into the Spider-verse?! She's been waiting for that movie ever since she saw the trailer! And it has Hailee Steinfeld so that's a double plus!

"Really?" Eun-ji asked, she knew Maya was a big fan of Marvel, this would definitely be something she'd agree to.

Maya looked at the two adults in the room, Baek-Hyun was sitting calmly in his chair, and Eun-ji was sitting with a smile beside her.

"Imo!" Maya stood up, she hurriedly packed her bag swinging it on her shoulder, making a mental timeline of how long it would take for her to complete her project and therapy, she was going to that premier by hook or by crook.

"Let's go," She turned towards the door, walking towards it, her imo followed soon behind, kissing her husband goodbye.

"I'm coming back for those tickets," Maya turned around looking at her samchon who sat with an amused smile on his face, "Imo, we have too much to do."

Eun-ji laughed at her niece's antics following the determined child out of the office.

They were going to the premiere.


Maya walked around the venue, her Id hung around her neck, she had access to almost every area, but she chose to stick to the interview area, she'd seen a lot of people come by, it was surreal.

Her imo and samchon had instructed her to take as many selfies as she could but she was shy to even go up and ask for one from anyone, so she was stuck just seeing them in real life and maybe videoing from afar.

Her phone vibrated in her pocket, it was her imo.

"Imo," Maya said as she picked up the call.

"Where are you?" Her imo asked.

"I'm near the interviewing area," Maya replied looking around, "why?"

"Can you help out a colleague of mine? I'm stuck backstage with a work." Her imo asked.

"With what?"

"He'll tell you," her imo said, "you'll find him near the mojo interviewing section, I'll send you his details."

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