53: Operation Bitter Venom

Start from the beginning

Keith draws his side arm filling the Black Dog's leg with 9mm making him kneel. Keith finishes the Merc off with a headshot from his shotgun obliterating it.

Keith gets behind one of the trains loading four slugs into his shotgun. He peaks seeing some shooters on the roof of the main building of the train yard.

Ivelisse has a clear sight on the shooters eliminating them with ease giving CJIRU the all clear.

Dustin meanwhile is in-between multiple train cars with his team clearing each train car they come across. Wolf is laser focused which is noticable by Hideo as they check the train car.

Wolf: "Gun!" He shouts gunning down the man with multiple shots to the upper chest area. He stares at the corpse with anger almost wanting to dump the entire mag into him.

He regains his focus feeling Hideo squeeze his shoulder as they exit the train car finding Dustin gun down a hostile. He peaks around the corner seeing the main building finding orangish smoke coming from it.

Dustin: "Ah shit, all teams the chemicals are spewing from the main building, me and I are moving in now." He says into his com.

Keith: "Affirmative." He says blasting a hostile in the foot and finishes him off with his side arm still moving forward like a machine.

Claire fires her MP7 in short bursts as the toxic has spread to a point where it's affecting the vision of everyone.

Claire: "Easy does it everyone, make sure your targets are clean." She states hardly able to see five feet in front of her.

Ren breaths normally but he feels uneasy at not being able to see much of anything. Ebenezer notices this and hits Ren on the shoulder.

Ebenezer: "Relax Miyata." He says calmly but they hear a vehicle getting close as Ebenezer tackles Ren out of the way as a SUV speeds past. "Shit, some of Black Dogs are making a run for it! Miyata and I will intercept!"

Ren and Ebenezer run back to their transport vehicle with Ren taking the wheel and Eben the passenger as they begin giving chase.

Louis sees the speeding SUV as he takes a shot for one of the front tires. It lands but the driver manages to maintain control.

Louis: "Crazy bastard, rest of you stay here. Eben I'm gonna chase and try to cut them off."

Ebenezer: "Got it." He replies as Ren makes a drastic turn while drifting. "Jesus Christ." He says in Hebrew.

They eventually catch up with the SUV as one of the Black Dogs fires upon their vehicle.

Ren: "Wait should we be worried if they have chemicals in the vehicle?" He asks just now realizing it.

Ebenezer recognizes the possibility and grabs his com.

Ebenezer: "Change of plans Bernard, we're gonna lead out of the city if possible, there might be chemicals in the car itself."

Louis: "Understood."

Back at the train yard, Keith is before the front door cautiously entering feeling as though he just entered a toxic hell zone.

Keith: "All teams, entering the building now... Make use of your flash lights to identify each other." He says in his com cautiously waving his M1014 around as anyone on the receiving end of it is a dead man.

He can see the outline of an armed man as he signals his team to get into cover.

Keith: "Sea!" He yells out as the man shoots in the direction of his voice.

Before Keith could blast him away, the Black Dog is shoot dead by Dustin who flickers his light towards Keith who nods though he notices Claire entering and flickers the light.

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