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As my eyes begin to slowly open, I start to blush, remembering what happed last night. I feel Hayley's warm body wrapped around me and I blush even more.
"Good morning my love." She says, looking down at me.
"Morning" I say, smiling brightly at her.

"Looks like you two had fun last night." Zac says, standing over us, Taylor next to him laughing slightly.
"Um, yeah. We're actually dating now." Hayley says proudly and me, Zac, and Taylors jaws drop.
"We are?" I reply, confused but happy.
"Yeah, I was actually about to ask you out on a date before these two interrupted us." Hayley says glaring at Zac and Taylor which makes me giggle slightly.

"Where would we go?" I ask Hayley.
"Where ever you want to go." She smiles.
"Alright, uhhh..." I pause, thinking of the best place to go on a date with Hayley.
"We could go get milkshakes?"
"Thats perfect, Y/N." Hayley replies softly, smiling at me. I smile back while blushing and I can see she is too.


I just asked Y/N out! I can't belive i'm going on a date with her! I'm so excited! I can't stop thinking about it, until Y/N says something.
"Want to go get breakfast?" Y/N says to everyone.
"Sure." We all reply, following her as she leads into the kitchen.

We are sitting at the dining table eating breakfast when I feel someones hand gently rest on my thigh. I flinch slightly but instantly realise who it is and feel my cheeks heat up.
Y/N. I smile at her, seeing that she is already smiling back at me, and I feel Taylor and Zac's eyes on us from the other side of the tabe, but we ignore them and go back to eating our breakfast.

After finishing breakfast, I immediately head to my bedroom to decide what to wear for our date, even though I still have another two hours before we leave, but I knew i'd take forever to decide, like I always do when something important is happening.

"Hey love, are you okay?" Y/N asks, stepping into my room.
"Yeah, I'm choosing an outfit for our date later." I reply, smiling at her. She begins walking over to me and sits on the edge of my bed.
"Do you mind if I help you choose?" She says.
"Of course!" I reply my face lighting up.

"You look beautiful, my love." She says, staring at me in the outfit we chose for me to wear.
"Thank you." I blush like crazy.
"What are you going to wear?" I asks, hoping she'd ask me to help.
"I was hoping you could help me choose." She replies.
"Of course, love." I say softly, trying not to sound as excited as I actually am.


I am finally ready and I walk out to show Hayley my outfit, and her jaw drops, making me blush.
"You look gorgeous." She says, making me blush even more.
"Thank you." I smile "So do you."
She smiles back at me and places her delicate, warm hand into mine. I look down at our hands put together like pieces of a puzzle and smile as we walk towards the living room.

"Zac, Taylor, we're leaving now!" Hayley shouts over the sound of the TV.
"Alright, have fun." Taylor smiles.
"Bye lovebirds." Zac replies, laughing, while we roll our eyes at him.

We walk out the door and down the stairs of the hotel and step out the door into the cold breeze. The milkshake place is only a few minutes down the road, so we walk, otherwise we'd have to get Zac to drop us there, since we can't drive.

I keep as close to Hayley as I possibly can to keep warm and she brushes her thumb across my hand to keep it warm.

Everytime we cross the road I feel Hayley grip tighter onto my hand, but not tight enough to hurt. It brought me comfort to know how much she cared about me.


Soon enough, we were at the milkshake place. I pushed the door open and held it open for Y/N and following after as she thanked me and walked inside. We walked over to the nearest empty table and sat down, looking at the menu.

"What milkshake do you want?" Y/N asks me.
"I'll have whatever you have. We can share if you don't mind." I smile.
"Of course not, are you sure you don't want to choose?" She says softly.
"Yep, choose whatever you want" I reply.
"Alright." She smiles brightly.

"Ok, I'm gonna go order it now, do you like strawberry milkshakes?" She says
"It's my favourite." I grin.
"Great!" She replies.


As I walk back to the table with the strawberry milkshake and two straws, and Hayley says,
"Thank you, my love."
"Your very welcome." I say smiling, placing the milkshake on the table and handing her a straw as I place mine into the milkshake.

We both taste the milkshake at the same time and our faces immediately light up.
"It tastes amazing!" Hayley smiles.
"I've never tasted a better milkshake in my life!" We both laugh.

As I'm taking a sip of the milkshake, I feel Hayleys hand rest on top of mine. I blush and smile at her as she smiles brightly back at me. We are like this for a few seconds until we finally snap out of it and carry on drinking and talking.


We are now walking back to the hotel holding hands and Y/N is still huddled close to me as it is still cold.
"Do you want to wear my jacket?" I ask her.
"Are you sure? Won't you be cold?" She replies.
"I'll be fine." I smile, taking off my jacket and handing it to her.
"Thanks Hayley." She smiles back at me.

For the rest of the walk back, I am now huddled close to Y/N. It's freezing now, but as long as Y/N is warm, i'll be fine.

"Are you sure you don't want the jacket? Its getting freezing cold." She asks thoughtfully.
"I'm fine, Y/N." I reply, shivering.
"My love, your shivering, and your hand feels freezing. I'll wrap it around both of us." She smiles and I feel my cheeks heat up, despite the cold.
"Thank you." I say as she lets go of my hand to wrap the jacket around us, and immediately interlocking our fingers back together.


We are finally at the hotel and we are both almost frozen. We open the door and walk up to our hotel room. We get to our room and immediately walk in and jump down onto the sofa under a blanket together next to Zac and Taylor.

"Hey guys." I say. Hayley has her head rested on my shoulder and is holding my hand under the blanket.
"Hi, how was it?" Taylor says.
"Did you guys have fun?" Zac says.
"It was great!" Hayley smiles.
"I had the best time." I smile back at her.

We have another concert tonight, and we only have a few hours until we have to leave. This time I wasn't anxious. I was excited. I was excited to perform with my favourite people and have fun and not be a nervous wreck. I'm glad i'm finally starting to become less shy and antisocial, and the band has really helped me with that. How could I thank them?

1269 words

im one of those crazy girls (hayley williams x reader)Where stories live. Discover now