Spiderman! Subaru

Start from the beginning

Looks cool.

Number 3

I like this suit from the PS4 Game

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I like this suit from the PS4 Game.

Number 4

Number 4

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Yes I'm giving him nano tech

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Yes I'm giving him nano tech. So he can literally have his own version of the Iron Spider Suit.

Number 5

Number 6

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Number 6

Red spots are instead yellow

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Red spots are instead yellow

Number 7

Number 8

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Number 8

The red spots are instead Yellow

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The red spots are instead Yellow

Number 9

Same for the others, the red and white spots will be yellow

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Same for the others, the red and white spots will be yellow.

Number 10

Number 10

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White and red spots for the first one is instead yellow and for the second one, I may give him a symbiote so the spots on there will be yellow as well with some white

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White and red spots for the first one is instead yellow and for the second one, I may give him a symbiote so the spots on there will be yellow as well with some white.

Well except for the eyes. The white parts will stay the same but it will have a yellow outline like number 1

And I thought of what his suit would look like if he had some kind of transformation

And I thought of what his suit would look like if he had some kind of transformation

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Something like this. It has a more shadow kind of feeling to it so....yeah...and Subaru's affinity is Shadow magic. So you see where I'm going with this right?

Subaru will also have Miles' abilities but I'll add my own twist to it. Like he'll have the Bio-Electricity and Camouflage but the electricity will be black and yellow or just black. And his camouflage will be just like that of Miles Morales' but he can blend into the shadows as well. And with Shamack? Well that's something for another time, but shamack can improve one of the many aspects of his camouflage. He's also good at hand-to-hand combat. That should be obvious because he's a spider.

I'm also giving him organic webbing probably. He can produce normal webs and shadow webs, where the shadow webs are just dark with a purplish outline to it. So yeah, that's my Subaru Natsuki as Spider-Man story idea.

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