"Four pieces, they're broken and
need to be mended, but mending
a broken piece is almost impossible."
THE RULES ARE SIMPLE. Kill fifty people, get one million pounds. But is it that easy? No, obviously. The kills need to be immaculate, evidence mu...
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"You're also good with babies?" Sophie squealed.
Newt cracked a small smile, "They're cute." He said as an answer.
"Like me?" Sophie put on puppy's eyes and blinked twice.
Newt ruffled her brown hair, "like you."
Sophie giggled, leaned back on the locker behind her, "the boy that sits next to you in maths is weird."
"He is."
Sophie pondered, she placed a hand on Newt's shoulder, "wasn't he your ex...?"
"Yeah, but we don't talk about that, that was my gay phase." Newt wrinkled up his nose.
Sophie retreated her and and burst out laughing, "these fags need to be humbled and reminded that we are superior to them."
Newt smirked, "couldn't have said it better myself."
"Hey, Newt." Minho walked up to them, "is it home time?"
"Yes, we're just packing our stuff up." Newt brought out a pacifier, it was hello kitty themed.
Just the type Solace loved.
"That's cute, why do you have that?" Minho asked, curiosity pricking him.
"He has a child." Sophie answered for him, "I bet she's a cutie."
"For real?" Minho queried. "At this age?"
Newt shrugged, "jeez, I need to bloody hurry up." He stuffed all his stuff into his nike air bag.
"Bye, Newt!" Sophie threw her arms around him and pressed a kiss on his cheek. Newt's cheeks turned a darker shade of red as he spun around and headed towards the exit.
"Newt! Wait up!" Minho yelled behind him.
Newt gradually slowed down until Minho was at his side. Minho exhaled before asking.
"Your ex? Is it that Thomas guy?"
"You haven't met Thomas yet?" Newt asked, to which Minho replied by shaking his head.
"He's uhm, a different breed of human."
Minho raised an eyebrow, "what makes you think that?"